Disgusted With Obama Administration.

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believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Jul 1, 2011 3:43pm
BGFalcons82;819559 wrote:The Right hasn't had a say-so in the economy since the Contract For America. What happened after that all passed??? Hmmm???
Naw....Clinton gets all the credit for that. The Republican-controlled Congress was just an afterthought.
Posts: 6,567
Jul 1, 2011 4:06pm
stlouiedipalma;819517 wrote:Let's see. The economy falls off the cliff in 2008. The right-wing folks who polulate this forum say it can't have anything to do with eight years of Bush's policies. No, let's blame it on Congress, even though the R's controlled it for 6 of Bush's 8 years in office.

Fast forward to 2011. The economy, although no longer on the brink of total disaster, is floundering and the recovery is stalling. According to the right-wing folks who populate this forum, it's all Obama's fault.

That, my friend, is a classic double standard.

Gain some reading comprehension skills, I didn't take blame away from Bush, some of his fiscal policies were very bad. I said that he wasn't all to blame, you have to remember that the D's controlled Congress his last 2 years and one of the biggest causes of the economic crash was the housing market, which stemmed from democratic policies, not republican (of which the republicans didn't necessarily work hard enough to overturn).

Like I said, blame both sides, but to act like this is all Bush's fault is retarded at best.
Posts: 6,567
Jul 1, 2011 4:07pm
BGFalcons82;819559 wrote:I've asked this before and didn't get much of an argument from the Obama-defenders: What economic policies of Bush's 8 years were changed by Obama? Which ones were preserved, and even ENHANCED, by the Obama Central Planners?

Bush tax cuts? Still in force.
Bush deficit spending? Not enough for their appetites, so they quadrupled-down on this one.
Ignore the national debt? Check mark for both.
TARP? Like coke to a crack-head; they love it.
Increase government's role in Medicare and Medicaid? Bush went for a single in the prescription drug area and this regime went for a homer with ObamaKare.
Stimulus program? Bush tried giving away $600 to working people and Obama went for giving billions to unions, states, supporters, and corporate bailouts.
Fannie and Freddie - the REAL culprits of our housing bubble and collapse? No changes thanks to Frank and Dodd.

So tell us, what ideas has Obama proposed that are so different from what Bush started? Everyone on the Left wants to blame Bush for every economic problem and yet the Dems since 1-2-2007 and Barry's Central Planners since 1-20-2009 continue on with enhanced Bush policies. Double standard? Yep...on the Left. The Right hasn't had a say-so in the economy since the Contract For America. What happened after that all passed??? Hmmm???

Perfectly said.

I have no belief in Bush's fiscal policies, but to act like they are the 100% cause and then not blame Obama for enhancing the same policies is plain stupid.
Posts: 1,797
Jul 1, 2011 5:06pm
Writerbuckeye;819571 wrote:Don't believe me? Find me several examples of anything Obama wrote while head of the Law Review. I know of one article out there, but no more. If you can find me four more, it'll prove, without question, I'm wrong.

Also, find me a copy of his transcripts or anything that talks about his grades and the courses he took in college (remember he attended several, not just Harvard).

You won't find them, because the records have been closed by Obama.

That's a fact.

If I'm wrong, it should be easy to prove...please go ahead and try.

Sorry, pal, you made the claim. I would think that the onus of proof is on you.
Posts: 1,797
Jul 1, 2011 5:12pm
jmog;819807 wrote:Perfectly said.

I have no belief in Bush's fiscal policies, but to act like they are the 100% cause and then not blame Obama for enhancing the same policies is plain stupid.

The point I'm trying to make is that there is plenty of blame out there for all parties, not just Bush and not just Obama. You folks make it out that things went sour on Jan. 20, 2009. My belief is that it all started much earlier than that, like on Jan. 20, 1981. That comes out to over 30 years of deficit policies which led to our current situation. To put this all on one person is simply idiotic and you know it.
Posts: 6,567
Jul 1, 2011 8:10pm
stlouiedipalma;819830 wrote:The point I'm trying to make is that there is plenty of blame out there for all parties, not just Bush and not just Obama. You folks make it out that things went sour on Jan. 20, 2009. My belief is that it all started much earlier than that, like on Jan. 20, 1981. That comes out to over 30 years of deficit policies which led to our current situation. To put this all on one person is simply idiotic and you know it.

I have said that all along as has most of the conservatives on here. You have been one with other libs to jump on bush bush bush when obama has taken everything bush did fiscally and actually did it "bigger" ska made it even worse.
Posts: 1,797
Jul 1, 2011 10:31pm
That's all fine and dandy, but IMO the majority of conservatives on here don't blame Bush for anything. They'd rather blame it on two years of Democrat control of Congress.

Now if Obama is basically continuing Bush's economic policies, as you claim, where was the outrage, where was the Tea Party when W was running the show? The last time I looked, the Tea Party stands for "Taxed Enough Already". Seems a bit odd when our income taxes haven't gone up one cent since Obama took office.
Writerbuckeye's avatar
Posts: 4,745
Jul 1, 2011 11:38pm
Which only proves my point, too.

If you search...you can't find anything, except blog entries about how Obama refuses to release any info from his college days. So consider the point proven. For whatever reason, he doesn't want people to know anything about his college years, including his so-called prestigious stint as editor of the Harvard Law Review. I say so-called prestigious stint because anyone else would have made those available right away just to show how gifted they are.
jhay78's avatar
Posts: 1,917
Jul 2, 2011 12:40pm
stlouiedipalma;819830 wrote:The point I'm trying to make is that there is plenty of blame out there for all parties, not just Bush and not just Obama. You folks make it out that things went sour on Jan. 20, 2009. My belief is that it all started much earlier than that, like on Jan. 20, 1981. That comes out to over 30 years of deficit policies which led to our current situation. To put this all on one person is simply idiotic and you know it.

Umm, doesn't your mention of "Jan 20,1981" kinda sorta put it all on one person?
Posts: 1,797
Jul 2, 2011 3:21pm
Not really. That's when deficit spending became acceptable for the Republican party. Prior to Reagan's time as President, the very idea of running deficits in large amounts was completely against the most basic of Republican principles and was restricted to Democratic administrations. Deficit spending has been the norm of every President since, except for a very brief period near the end of the Clinton presidency.

I use the date of Reagan's first inaguration as the starting point of all of this mess, but every President since is equally guilty of running up huge deficits.
Posts: 9,265
Jul 2, 2011 8:26pm
jmog;819022 wrote:I see someone drunk the kool aid.
LOL. You of all people pulling out the koolaid card. Obama is a lot more like W than you wingers will ever admit. Same doodoo, different di-di.
Posts: 6,567
Jul 3, 2011 12:06am
stlouiedipalma;820023 wrote:That's all fine and dandy, but IMO the majority of conservatives on here don't blame Bush for anything. They'd rather blame it on two years of Democrat control of Congress.

Now if Obama is basically continuing Bush's economic policies, as you claim, where was the outrage, where was the Tea Party when W was running the show? The last time I looked, the Tea Party stands for "Taxed Enough Already". Seems a bit odd when our income taxes haven't gone up one cent since Obama took office.

One we were upset at the deficits. You wont find too many conservatives happy with bushs tarp program.

Notice you said income taxes havent gone uo since obama but plenty of other taxes have.
Posts: 6,567
Jul 3, 2011 12:09am
Footwedge;820358 wrote:LOL. You of all people pulling out the koolaid card. Obama is a lot more like W than you wingers will ever admit. Same doodoo, different di-di.

Many of bushs policies sucked. And the fiscal ones that sucked obama has made worse. So please show me more of your talking point msnbc crap it is amusing.
Posts: 9,265
Jul 3, 2011 12:39am
jmog;820430 wrote:Many of bushs policies sucked. And the fiscal ones that sucked obama has made worse. So please show me more of your talking point msnbc crap it is amusing.
I don't watch MSNBC. But you know what's really interesting? The GOP laughed Ron Paul off of the debate stages last election....and now the GOP is admitting that the old man was right....and like dominoes, they are now all parroting his message. Even warmongering Mitt now says that the US has no business meddling in other countries" affairs.

The neocons are soooo out the door. It's about fuggin time.

believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Jul 3, 2011 5:00am
Footwedge;820434 wrote:I don't watch MSNBC. But you know what's really interesting? The GOP laughed Ron Paul off of the debate stages last election....and now the GOP is admitting that the old man was right....and like dominoes, they are now all parroting his message. Even warmongering Mitt now says that the US has no business meddling in other countries" affairs.

The neocons are soooo out the door. It's about fuggin time.

Really Footie? You'll cite a punk, gotta lotta living to do college kid's opinion piece from a student newspaper and then you want us to think, "Gosh, Footie's right about this?" Really?

BHO must be a neo-con. Although he campaigned on getting us out of Afghanistan, Iraq, etc., he has not only reneged on those promises but expanded our presence in the region. Apparently now that his ass is planted in the Oval Office, he thinks Bush's policies are the right policies.

I've posted many times myself that I believe it's time to get out, but for some reason your erection is still pointed at the "neo-cons" who aren't in any position at the moment to make your dreams come true.

The Bammer's been at the helm for almost 3 years now. Isn't it time to go after the Nobel Peace Prize "winner"?
Posts: 8,740
Jul 6, 2011 4:44pm

A little more change we can believe in ......

Between big raises for everybody and a lot of golf it is readily apparent that these young radicals do not have a clue.

2012 cannot arrive soon enough.
Apple's avatar
Posts: 2,620
Jul 7, 2011 12:34am
QuakerOats;822647 wrote:http://gawker.com/5818310

A little more change we can believe in ......

Between big raises for everybody and a lot of golf it is readily apparent that these young radicals do not have a clue.

2012 cannot arrive soon enough.
The changes in these salaries are something I don't want to believe.

Apple's avatar
Posts: 2,620
Jul 7, 2011 12:39am
QuakerOats;822647 wrote:http://gawker.com/5818310

A little more change we can believe in ......

Between big raises for everybody and a lot of golf it is readily apparent that these young radicals do not have a clue.

2012 cannot arrive soon enough.
The changes in these salaries are something I don't want to believe.

Manhattan Buckeye
Posts: 7,566
Jul 7, 2011 12:43am
What does the director of African-American media do? Make multiple subscriptions to Jet magazine?
Apple's avatar
Posts: 2,620
Jul 7, 2011 12:58am
Apple's avatar
Posts: 2,620
Jul 7, 2011 1:00am
Sorry about the double posts above. The Internets weren't being cooperative when I posted it first.

Posts: 15,058
Jul 7, 2011 8:24am
Ehhh, some of those salaries seemed low before the raises. And I'd want to know what typical raises are for 2nd year (i.e. incentive to stick around). I'd also be interested to know if all those "deputies" is normal, or if that is part of the 10,000 jobs Obama claims to have created.
believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Jul 7, 2011 8:37am
gut;823345 wrote:I'd also be interested to know if all those "deputies" is normal, or if that is part of the 10,000 jobs Obama claims to have created.
The $800 Billion Porkulus had to go somewhere.
coyotes22's avatar
Posts: 11,298
Jul 7, 2011 9:00am
We pay someone $140k/year to tell the President what the weather is going to be?
coyotes22's avatar
Posts: 11,298
Jul 7, 2011 9:01am
Manhattan Buckeye;823277 wrote:What does the director of African-American media do? Make multiple subscriptions to Jet magazine?

Watches 106 & Park all day.