
Serious Business Backup 48 replies 1,582 views
wes_mantooth's avatar
Posts: 17,977
Jun 28, 2010 2:09pm
thedynasty1998;403927 wrote:I may be wrong, but I always thought Ari was faithful to his wife, but does talk about past experiences prior to his marriage?

Yeah, he always bragged about nailing chicks, but that was just his "badass" routine. His character has always been faithful.
SportsAndLady's avatar
Posts: 35,632
Jul 13, 2010 8:41am
I love this new storyline with Ari and Lizzy.

I hate that fuckin latina chick who used to work for Turtle.

Vince is not a badass, sorry.
mucalum49's avatar
Posts: 1,639
Jul 13, 2010 9:44am
Not sure what to think if this season is going to be Vince and a drug addiction. Wonder where they will go with Ari and his new NFL team
BigAppleBuckeye's avatar
Posts: 2,935
Jul 13, 2010 9:47am
One complaint this season: not enough Sloan!

Not sure I am digging the new season so far. I dunno, I prefer Turtle lazy, seeing him run a business is just weird haha. Drama has always been my favorite character, but even he is a bit over the top so far this year. And Ari being offered an NFL team? The guy could barely land a meeting with Jerry Jones, now the NFL wants him to run a team? Seems far fetched.

Will I keep watching? ... hell yes!
bases_loaded's avatar
Posts: 6,912
Jul 13, 2010 11:26am
This season has sucked.
KR1245's avatar
Posts: 4,317
Jul 25, 2010 11:08pm
Still not impressed with this season

Mexican chick is hot as hell though
SportsAndLady's avatar
Posts: 35,632
Jul 25, 2010 11:15pm
That was this season's first truly good episode.
Laley23's avatar
Posts: 29,506
Jul 25, 2010 11:28pm
Initially all 5 characters were really a ton of fun to follow and all their scenes were great. Last few season, and this its been all about Ari Gold. He steals the show and the other 4 guys have become somewhat stagnant and boring in their roles. At least, thats my thought.
wes_mantooth's avatar
Posts: 17,977
Jul 25, 2010 11:42pm
Pretty good episode, but like S&L said....first one of the season. I am tiring of Eric's character...his storylines suck balls. That mexican chick is the best thing about this season...soooooo hot.
CinciX12's avatar
Posts: 2,874
Jul 26, 2010 1:15am
That was more like it. Good episode.
SportsAndLady's avatar
Posts: 35,632
Aug 15, 2010 11:02pm
Shits hittin the fan.

Depressing..but at least shits going on lol
Barry Badrinath
Posts: 176
Aug 15, 2010 11:11pm
Best episode of the season so far. Alot going on. I'm interested to see if Turtle finally makes something of himself. Never have liked Drama and continue to dislike him even more with his stubborn nature. At this point dude needs to take what he can get. Vince is definitely goin downhill and I'm interested to see the role Billy Walsh will play in his downfall/possible rehab or whatever becomes of it.

Above all else, I agree with more Sloan.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Aug 15, 2010 11:36pm
You had to know that they were going to make this season about things falling apart after much of last season was things working out.
Murdski99's avatar
Posts: 399
Aug 16, 2010 12:03am
lots of titties tonight i like it :cool:
DeyDurkie5's avatar
Posts: 11,324
Aug 16, 2010 12:21am
Murdski99;452635 wrote:lots of titties tonight i like it :cool:

cool smiley, fag

as for the episode, a great one
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Aug 16, 2010 12:39am
I Wear Pants;452617 wrote:You had to know that they were going to make this season about things falling apart after much of last season was things working out.

Their writing is definitely pretty predictable.
CinciX12's avatar
Posts: 2,874
Sep 17, 2010 1:22am
F'ing sucks. My favorite show went completely to shit.
wes_mantooth's avatar
Posts: 17,977
Sep 17, 2010 5:47am
CinciX12;486823 wrote:F'ing sucks. My favorite show went completely to shit.

Yeah...pretty bad season. I think it may have jumped the shark...it seems like they are just running out of material.
Posts: 13,021
Sep 17, 2010 9:14am
This is all based upon shit Mark Wahlberg went thru in his early days in Hollywood. He came out of rehab OK and I'm sure Vince will too.
imex99's avatar
Posts: 4,927
Sep 17, 2010 10:51am
Still not a bad show to watch....

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like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Sep 17, 2010 10:58am
Next season is the last season. Apparently it will only be 7 episodes long, then after that they will be coming out with a movie.
mucalum49's avatar
Posts: 1,639
Sep 17, 2010 11:07am
I didn't think it was that bad of a season. I liked the finale and the fact that Vince went to Eminem's party for his Recovery album. A celebrity drop-in that means something to the story line.
Murdski99's avatar
Posts: 399
Sep 17, 2010 12:43pm
Didn't think it was a badd season at all....im tryna do some bumps with Vinnie!
thedynasty1998's avatar
Posts: 6,844
Sep 17, 2010 12:52pm
I actually liked how the season ended. Ari with some marital problems that were long overdue, Vince finally getting out from his protected inner circle, Drama getting some good news and Turtle trying to make something of himself. All of the things that you expected to happen at one time or another all happened too soon, which is my only complaint.