Are Sports Out Of Control?

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Sun, Nov 19, 2023 9:56 PM

I’ll start by saying I’m getting old some things are getting difficult to just sit back and watch.

Are sports getting out of control? Too big?

I love them….my whole life has been a gigantic portion of baseball, football, basketball, golf…more recent years add in track and XC. I’ve spent decades involved in coaching high school and Rec teams, running Rec leagues and FFS I’m a gym teacher lol. Sports are and have been a tremendous part of my life.

I don’t have any major qualms with post high school sports but some to feel scripted a bit or rigged but I’m watching and mostly enjoying.

Youth? High school? Out of control to me. Everything seems bigger than it is but way more than usual. A bunch of stuff is “made up”

Our high school cheerleaders just won the “state” championship. Escorted through town by police and banners will be hung. Last year there were like 8 teams in their division? Last year they were “National” Champions….only 1 other team in their competition level. After digging I found there were 9 different “National” tournaments. Each of these had HUGE fees and costs. Every girl bought the appparel and most paid $120 for photography fees so they would have some pictures of it all.

My school played a win a “state” soccer championship today….they are 4th graders and they faced a team from 12 miles away. The bracket had 26 teams in the “state” and only encompassed about 1/8 of the state….and the better soccer schools don’t even mess with it. So for the 2nd time in 3 years my school is “state” in soccer. Every kid has the state t shirt and hoody and parents too. My FB is unscrollable lol.

Our local kids keep winning “state” baseball championships and rings but those same kids keep losing sectionals in high school. Most every perceived better athlete in the area pays good money to attend high end prep workouts and most don’t even play in college. Crazy parents pushing their kids to burnout by age 13.

Social media sports are nuts. The price of most everything is bordering out of control.

But I still do love sports


Senior Member

Sun, Nov 19, 2023 10:10 PM

My daughter is an elementary school cheerleader and it sucks. Fees at beginning of season, numerous fundraisers, parent volunteer hours. I know it’ll only get worse. 

My least favorite is the communication. They use the GameChanger app and times and locations are constantly modified. My favorite was team picture day last season, it was going to storm that evening. I even asked in the app if it was still a go and they said yes and it shouldn’t rain much if at all. So get her all dressed and ready, show up at the school, pictures canceled minutes before because it was going to be too dark. 

Oh and don’t forget the game is at 11:30 so be there at 10:30 for “warm ups” and it’s mostly just stand around and add another hour to an already boring event. 



Sun, Nov 19, 2023 10:26 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

My daughter is an elementary school cheerleader and it sucks. Fees at beginning of season, numerous fundraisers, parent volunteer hours. I know it’ll only get worse. 

My least favorite is the communication. They use the GameChanger app and times and locations are constantly modified. My favorite was team picture day last season, it was going to storm that evening. I even asked in the app if it was still a go and they said yes and it shouldn’t rain much if at all. So get her all dressed and ready, show up at the school, pictures canceled minutes before because it was going to be too dark. 

Oh and don’t forget the game is at 11:30 so be there at 10:30 for “warm ups” and it’s mostly just stand around and add another hour to an already boring event. 

And the people in charge of this stuff…..they’ve never been there before and it’s a shit show 

Al Bundy

Senior Member

Sun, Nov 19, 2023 10:41 PM
posted by Ironman92

I’ll start by saying I’m getting old some things are getting difficult to just sit back and watch.

Are sports getting out of control? Too big?

I love them….my whole life has been a gigantic portion of baseball, football, basketball, golf…more recent years add in track and XC. I’ve spent decades involved in coaching high school and Rec teams, running Rec leagues and FFS I’m a gym teacher lol. Sports are and have been a tremendous part of my life.

I don’t have any major qualms with post high school sports but some to feel scripted a bit or rigged but I’m watching and mostly enjoying.

Youth? High school? Out of control to me. Everything seems bigger than it is but way more than usual. A bunch of stuff is “made up”

Our high school cheerleaders just won the “state” championship. Escorted through town by police and banners will be hung. Last year there were like 8 teams in their division? Last year they were “National” Champions….only 1 other team in their competition level. After digging I found there were 9 different “National” tournaments. Each of these had HUGE fees and costs. Every girl bought the appparel and most paid $120 for photography fees so they would have some pictures of it all.

My school played a win a “state” soccer championship today….they are 4th graders and they faced a team from 12 miles away. The bracket had 26 teams in the “state” and only encompassed about 1/8 of the state….and the better soccer schools don’t even mess with it. So for the 2nd time in 3 years my school is “state” in soccer. Every kid has the state t shirt and hoody and parents too. My FB is unscrollable lol.

Our local kids keep winning “state” baseball championships and rings but those same kids keep losing sectionals in high school. Most every perceived better athlete in the area pays good money to attend high end prep workouts and most don’t even play in college. Crazy parents pushing their kids to burnout by age 13.

Social media sports are nuts. The price of most everything is bordering out of control.

But I still do love sports

The giving away of "championships" is crazy. It is the participation trophy crowd on steroids. Even the NBA has made up this in-season tournament to away a made up championship.



Senior Member

Mon, Nov 20, 2023 9:36 AM

It's stupid. 

My niece's team won the softball state championship (local area only). 

What's really disappointing is all of the "specialization", focusing on only one sport. My sister's husband think's their son is going to be a MLB star so he's hooked him up with a batting cage, pitching machine and all the bells and whistles. My other sister went, watched him and said "he's the BEST pitcher EVER!" I watched him in the state playoffs (again, local) and he wasn't the best pitcher on his team. Threw hard but straight as an arrow. What sucks is that this kid is a true alpha and would be an awesome football player (likely a QB) but they won't let him.

Specialization in one sport is depriving these kids of a lot of great experiences.




Mon, Nov 20, 2023 10:09 AM

Specialization before high school is just flat out crazy….and it’s for very few in high school.



Mon, Nov 20, 2023 10:13 AM

Until you start getting recruited by a major program, there is 0 reason to not play every sport you want. And even then, I wouldnt stop my kid -- but would understand if they elected it.



Mon, Nov 20, 2023 10:35 AM
posted by Laley23

Until you start getting recruited by a major program, there is 0 reason to not play every sport you want. And even then, I wouldnt stop my kid -- but would understand if they elected it.

About 1 out of a 1000 get recruited by a major program around here. We have a tight end that starts at WVU and he didn’t play basketball his senior year but instead left to early enroll at WVU. We have a QB at OU that did the exact same thing (no I don’t consider OU a major program)

Mostly D3 and schools like Robert Morris and Norrhern Kentucky University

Play the sports.


Senior Member

Mon, Nov 20, 2023 10:36 AM
posted by Ironman92

Play the sports.

Some of the best defensive linemen have amateur wrestling backgrounds. Just know how to use leverage and shed blockers.

Al Bundy

Senior Member

Mon, Nov 20, 2023 11:40 AM
posted by Ironman92

Specialization before high school is just flat out crazy….and it’s for very few in high school.

Even in high school, playing multiple sports helps with the others. In the NFL draft most of picks played multiple sports in high school, and some played multiple sports in college. 



Mon, Nov 20, 2023 11:56 AM
posted by Al Bundy

Even in high school, playing multiple sports helps with the others. In the NFL draft most of picks played multiple sports in high school, and some played multiple sports in college. 

But these parents can’t see it. They played basketball until 9th grade and married a 5’2 girl that play softball on a bad team and there son is going to play for the Bengals.



Mon, Nov 20, 2023 11:58 AM
posted by BR1986FB
Some of the best defensive linemen have amateur wrestling backgrounds. Just know how to use leverage and shed blockers.

Show me a good putter from 4 feet and I’ll show you a good free throw shooter.

Show me a great back row volleyball player and I’ll show you a great 2nd baseman

Play the sports. Parents need to get away. Everything is a showcase or a tournament or with an elite trainer. Let the kids have fun.


Al Bundy

Senior Member

Mon, Nov 20, 2023 12:10 PM
posted by Ironman92

Show me a good putter from 4 feet and I’ll show you a good free throw shooter.

Show me a great back row volleyball player and I’ll show you a great 2nd baseman

Play the sports. Parents need to get away. Everything is a showcase or a tournament or with an elite trainer. Let the kids have fun.

I agree with letting the kids play and have fun. I rarely see kids just playing sports in a park or field that isn't organized and run by the parents. We did that all of the time. In addition to getting better at the sport, we had to problem solve, resolve conflicts, determine rules, etc. without just having adults just tell us. It built many skills.


Senior Member

Mon, Nov 20, 2023 12:17 PM
posted by Al Bundy

I agree with letting the kids play and have fun. I rarely see kids just playing sports in a park or field that isn't organized and run by the parents. We did that all of the time. In addition to getting better at the sport, we had to problem solve, resolve conflicts, determine rules, etc. without just having adults just tell us. It built many skills.

Town I live in they have organized flag football, run by parents. Never see kids throwing a ball around other than when they have to. Heck, this town is so small they had to go to an 8 man football league this year.


Senior Member

Mon, Nov 20, 2023 12:23 PM

My wife and I like to drive around town and look at stuff. The other day we saw an unusual sight. There was a handful of kids playing football in a vacant lot.  It was refreshing. 


Senior Member

Mon, Nov 20, 2023 12:30 PM
posted by BRF

My wife and I like to drive around town and look at stuff. The other day we saw an unusual sight. There was a handful of kids playing football in a vacant lot.  It was refreshing. 

My grandkids are more interested in playing video games than getting involved in sports, so I doubt we'll be viewing much sports. 


Senior Member

Mon, Nov 20, 2023 1:07 PM
posted by Ironman92

About 1 out of a 1000 get recruited by a major program around here. We have a tight end that starts at WVU and he didn’t play basketball his senior year but instead left to early enroll at WVU. We have a QB at OU that did the exact same thing (no I don’t consider OU a major program)

Mostly D3 and schools like Robert Morris and Norrhern Kentucky University

Play the sports.

My advice would be if a school has committed to paying for your college expenses, it's time to hang up the other sports. Unless/until that happens, play everything you want to play.


Son of the Sun

Mon, Nov 20, 2023 2:07 PM

While it might not be on the same topic that others have brought up, saw that the OHSAA is working to focus more on their "Respect the Game" program, seemingly due to worries about a referee shortage because fewer people are wanting to do that due to dealing with idiots in the stands being dicks.



Mon, Nov 20, 2023 4:08 PM
posted by Heretic

While it might not be on the same topic that others have brought up, saw that the OHSAA is working to focus more on their "Respect the Game" program, seemingly due to worries about a referee shortage because fewer people are wanting to do that due to dealing with idiots in the stands being dicks.

An ongoing problem. I see it another way though. The same guys have been officiating everything for years, they are retiring off/unable to way faster than new ones are coming in. Also like every place in town needs workers, but a large % just don’t want to work rather be a welfare.

If I’m a player, coach or parent in the stands….we want the game to happen. I’d rather have 1 basketball official or baseball ump than have to cancel.

Games are constantly canceled in the spring due to no officials.

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Mon, Nov 20, 2023 4:18 PM

As a side note regarding OHSAA, I was certified in both softball and Baseball. It truly was a way to stay involved in sports. I quit 6 years ago because of the batshit crazy parents. A very good friend that I umpired years with asked for help figuring out a good holster that would work with his gear. ( we are both CCW) I went over to his house with a 6 pack to discuss the situation.

I told him that if he felt he needed to carry, he needed not to umpire anymore. We hugged, we cried a little, and he quit. Pretty sad actually



Mon, Nov 20, 2023 4:44 PM
posted by Devils Advocate

As a side note regarding OHSAA, I was certified in both softball and Baseball. It truly was a way to stay involved in sports. I quit 6 years ago because of the batshit crazy parents. A very good friend that I umpired years with asked for help figuring out a good holster that would work with his gear. ( we are both CCW) I went over to his house with a 6 pack to discuss the situation.

I told him that if he felt he needed to carry, he needed not to umpire anymore. We hugged, we cried a little, and he quit. Pretty sad actually

So what age did you begin? I feel you are in the age range that has that similar story

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Mon, Nov 20, 2023 5:10 PM

I was verified in softball in 82, baseball in 83 quit softball in 15 and baseball 16. 



Mon, Nov 20, 2023 5:39 PM
posted by Devils Advocate

I was verified in softball in 82, baseball in 83 quit softball in 15 and baseball 16. 

Oh wow…I was way off. You did your time and much more.

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Mon, Nov 20, 2023 7:14 PM

I did my 1st Varsity game and I couldn’t legally buy a beer.



Mon, Nov 20, 2023 7:46 PM
posted by Devils Advocate

I did my 1st Varsity game and I couldn’t legally buy a beer.

A good side job for a long time for many



Mon, Nov 20, 2023 8:11 PM

I was a soccer ref and basketball ref. Did 3 years. 2 varsity for soccer and only a handful for basketball. But I was on my way — really did enjoy it. The fans were lunatics, but I would engage a bit and explain they didn’t know the rules and usually they would shut up. 

Had to quit when my career took my hours to random times. Plus I moved states.