There's a guy who runs in a lot of the same circles as I do who insists on signing every status or comment he makes in social media with a nickname he gave himself.
Every. Fucking. One.
It could be a one-word comment that isn't even as long as the self-appointed nickname he uses as a signature, but he'll be sure to add the signature, nonetheless.
When he first started doing it, it was somewhere between mildly annoying and awkwardly entertaining, but when he goes all 'Internet tough guy', I just want to yell at him that it's really stupid.
... sigh ...
There. I feel better.
Is there anything that people do on any social media outlet of your choice that just bugs the piss out of you?
Chief Shenanigans Officer
Chief Shenanigans Officer
In b4 'Internetz srs bzness'
Senior Member
Senior Member
"Please pray for me" with no additional info
Chief Shenanigans Officer
Chief Shenanigans Officer
posted by thavoice"Please pray for me" with no additional info
Fucking yes. Vaguebooking. I have dear relatives that do this, and it drives me nuts, particularly because there are times when there's no reason for them to not mention why they want prayer ... other than the obvious desire for attention.
Senior Member
Senior Member
If I find posts to be annoying....*unfollow*
Bye forever.
Son of the Sun
Son of the Sun
Generally, three things annoy me to varying levels.
1. "Vaguebooking" where you just say something like "Sometimes I wonder why I even try" in an attempt to get attention.
2. People who incessantly pollute their feed with their politard thoughts. No, I'm not going to care about your views regardless of how many amateurish YouTube videos you post with random bearded guys in their trucks talking to a camera.
3. Pure-ass attention whores. The sort that post 50x daily about every fucking thing they're doing and every emotion they feel. Even more negative posts when half those posts are concerning their relationship status or lack of one. PROTIP: You aren't getting fucked like you want because you come off as needy and high-maintenance with all your "All I want is a guy who will treat me like a princess, be there for me when I need him, etc etc etc" posts. Even more negative points if it's a dude going Pure Darby with that shit.
Chief Shenanigans Officer
Chief Shenanigans Officer
posted by AutomatikIf I find posts to be annoying....*unfollow*
Bye forever.
Done that a few times. Today, I decided I was going to troll this guy, so I'm not going to unfollow, but when I get bored with it, that's probably the route of choice.
Chief Shenanigans Officer
Chief Shenanigans Officer
posted by HereticGenerally, three things annoy me to varying levels.
1. "Vaguebooking" where you just say something like "Sometimes I wonder why I even try" in an attempt to get attention.
2. People who incessantly pollute their feed with their politard thoughts. No, I'm not going to care about your views regardless of how many amateurish YouTube videos you post with random bearded guys in their trucks talking to a camera.
3. Pure-ass attention whores. The sort that post 50x daily about every fucking thing they're doing and every emotion they feel. Even more negative posts when half those posts are concerning their relationship status or lack of one. PROTIP: You aren't getting fucked like you want because you come off as needy and high-maintenance with all your "All I want is a guy who will treat me like a princess, be there for me when I need him, etc etc etc" posts. Even more negative points if it's a dude going Pure Darby with that shit.
So many bonus points for using the phrase "going Pure Darby." LOL!
1st Team All-PWN
1st Team All-PWN
posted by HereticGenerally, three things annoy me to varying levels.
1. "Vaguebooking" where you just say something like "Sometimes I wonder why I even try" in an attempt to get attention.
2. People who incessantly pollute their feed with their politard thoughts. No, I'm not going to care about your views regardless of how many amateurish YouTube videos you post with random bearded guys in their trucks talking to a camera.
3. Pure-ass attention whores. The sort that post 50x daily about every fucking thing they're doing and every emotion they feel. Even more negative posts when half those posts are concerning their relationship status or lack of one. PROTIP: You aren't getting fucked like you want because you come off as needy and high-maintenance with all your "All I want is a guy who will treat me like a princess, be there for me when I need him, etc etc etc" posts. Even more negative points if it's a dude going Pure Darby with that shit.
This pretty much sums it up. I never seen/heard of the term vaguebooking until this thread, but it's 100% accurate. #2 very much is the worst. Extra lulz to the video rants in the trucks. I thought I was the only one who noticed that these rants take place in some type of vehicle.
Chief Shenanigans Officer
Chief Shenanigans Officer
Oooh, the MLM people ... there's a special place in hell for them, too.
posted by thavoice"Please pray for me" with no additional info
God knows the reason
On the flip side I have a few princessy mid 30’s women on my FB that constantly ask for prayers about their daughter having the sniffles or sinus infection or whatever.....then they’ll post other statuses complaining about traffic or school or something they just don’t agree with....when they do the latter I always comment “Prayers”
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
Most social media behavior annoys me, even my own. So I try to limit my exposure to it more and more each day.
Senior Member
Senior Member
posted by justincredibleMost social media behavior annoys me, even my own. So I try to limit my exposure to it more and more each day.
Yet you continue coming to the chatter which some could argue is just as bad
Senior Member
Senior Member
I always wonder the backstory is to couples who decide to have joint accounts. Does she not trust him, is there a history, etc.
Verbal Kint
Senior Member
Verbal Kint
Senior Member
Second time I see crazy, unfollow.
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
posted by MontyBrunswickYet you continue coming to the chatter which some could argue is just as bad
Well, I do have a financial interest here.
Chief Shenanigans Officer
Chief Shenanigans Officer
posted by friendfromlowryI always wonder the backstory is to couples who decide to have joint accounts. Does she not trust him, is there a history, etc.
I have to confess that I've thought this before, too. ESPECIALLY if they used to have separate accounts.
12th Son of the Lama
12th Son of the Lama
We have joint accounts. Always have. I want separate accounts, though.
12th Son of the Lama
12th Son of the Lama
I hate the people who post every mundane detail of their life. Everything.
posted by ernest_t_bassI hate the people who post every mundane detail of their life. Everything.
Much like the people who posts their meals on Instagram.
Tomfoolery & shenanigans
Tomfoolery & shenanigans
1. Political soap boxes
2. Vague Facebook posts
Son of the Sun
Son of the Sun
posted by ernest_t_bassWe have joint accounts. Always have. I want separate accounts, though.
posted by ernest_t_bassI hate the people who post every mundane detail of their life. Everything.
I see what you did there.
Verbal Kint
Senior Member
Verbal Kint
Senior Member
posted by CharlesRoofieMuch like the people who posts their meals on Instagram.
unless it is about eggs
I got rid of all social media but Twitter about 1.5 years ago. Life changing for the better.
Junior Member
Junior Member
I hate everything.
Senior Member
Senior Member
The hand clap emoji on Twitter is starting to get a little annoying.