Anyone have experience with this? Is it becoming more common or just new to me?
Two years ago I was hard in my job search. A company asked me to put together a deck with prospected leads for their product. I worked my ass off, found legitimate leads. Submitted the deck, presented and all went well. I never got the job anyway, they delayed the hiring for 90 days. It was a startup. They are doing very shitty right now, so bullet dodged I guess.
After that I was doubting I would ever do "free work" for a potential job again.
A few months after that it came up again. Also a startup. What they were asking was insane. They wanted me to act like I was an employee, give me a company email address, prospect leads, setup calls, then they would monitor the fucking calls. I didn't even entertain that, told them to get fucked.
Now here we are again. They are asking me to put together a pitch deck that includes a mockup for a web ad banner. The pitch has to use data from a survey in a 500 line Excel file. Raw data only, little guidance. Could I do this? Yes, but it will take a lot of time and research, it's a completely different industry that I'm in now, and I'm not very familiar. The due date is next Thursday, then we setup a time to present it in person and have the first interview.
Here's the kicker, they haven't even confirmed the salary range of the position. I'm leaning towards telling them to get fucked too.