I stole this idea from Pardon My Take (podcast I listen to), which originally used this segment as a joke. I know ironman has also done a few sports themed Mount Rushmore threads, so I know this isn't that original. The whole premise behind the joke was after the NBA finals there is always a lull in sports during the summer so ESPN comes up with stupid shit like Mount Rushmore of athletes to fill in the lull, before the NFL season starts. I figured we can try to get activity going by having Mount Rushmore threads. They can be about anything (cereals, people you hate, music, etc.) . I can do the first few threads, and then if there is interest others can volunteer to start the next thread.
This Mount Rushmore I just stole from the most recent episode. It's the Mount Rushmore of shit you think you are elite at. I am calling out anyone who thinks they are elite at a sport.
-Getting out of conversations I don't want to be in. We all have stuck in convos we don't want to be in. I am at the point if I don't even know the person I can feel immediately if it is that type of convo and I quickly find my exit.
-Mario Tennis (N64)
-Killing mice/rats
-Taking up more space on the armrest during flights