I saw an article about Lance Armstrong this morning. Apparently he was interviewed on the Today show. There wasn't anything particularly interesting a bout it, but it got me thinking.
Okay, so this guy doped through his entire career including during his 7 Tour de France wins. And he is definitely is not the most likable person in the world. I know all that is the case. But the more I've learned about that sport and especially the era in which he rode, virtually every top rider doped. That's not hearsay. Lot's of those riders have come clean about it. It is clear that, at least at that time, it was a drug-fueled sport. Doping was necessary to even the playing field.
So I get that what Lance did was wrong. The doping sure. But the lying to everyone and then the efforts to silence those who tried to out him were the most egregious things. His efforts to discredit people though were not directed at a whole bunch of people. They were primarily directed at Frankie Andreu, the wife of one of his former teammates (who has acknowledged that he doped too). Frankie and Lance obviously hate each other and have a history of fighting. Ugly and messy as that is, it's really just a feud between two people - an egomaniac (Armstrong) and an attention-seeking victim (Andreu).
That's really the crux of things. Armstrong is not someone I would want to pal around with. But I honestly think his titanic fall and long-term disgrace are more a result of his unlikability rather than anything he actually did. His punishment seems extraordinarily disproportionate to his crime.
I guess I just can't believe this guy has the monster status he does all these years later. Am I missing something.