Excuse you



Senior Member

Mon, Aug 14, 2023 2:56 PM

Over the years, I've had several people say "excuse you".  It's almost always someone asking me to move out of the way eventhough I'm not really in their way.

This morning, I say "excuse me" as I try to walk around a woman leaving a store so she doesn't move and I accidentally bump her.  And she says "excuse you".  So that's different because I initiated it, but got me thinking about this.

Anyway, I feel that's extremely rude.  She certainly didn't have a rude tone, but she also didn't have an accent (seems in some cultures "excuse you" might be the standard convention).  Normally, in my experience "excuse you" is reserved to chastise someone unapologetically pushing people aside.

I tend to think it doesn't take long to realize "excuse you" is rude in America.  And the fact that it's almost always a women saying it....Get your ass in gear, or step aside so people can move by - I asked you nicely.


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 14, 2023 3:03 PM

Besides the cultural scenario, saying it to someone seems like it’d always be rude. The woman sucked. 


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 14, 2023 3:14 PM

I'd guess 9 times out of 10, it's a woman saying "excuse you" and you can tell by the expression on her face that it's my fault SHE bumped into me.


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 14, 2023 3:29 PM

A little off topic, and feel to call me "rude" or whatever, but if I hold a door for someone and they don't say "thank you" I make a point of it to say "you're WELCOME" loud enough for them to hear me. Same thing if I let someone out of an establishments driveway and they don't give me a courtesy "thank you" wave they get the words "asshole" mouthed at them.


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 14, 2023 3:58 PM

I’ve had people say to me you’re excused when I say excuse me. And also I’ve had people say to me you’re pardoned when I say pardon me. I let them know how rude their response is. In fact, I find it extremely rude of someone to say that. 

And I also agree with BR on door holding and thank you wave.  Now that I’ve turned 70 and have some obvious mobility issues, lots of people hold the door for me and I always thank them and let them know how much I appreciate that. 


Honorable Admin

Mon, Aug 14, 2023 4:17 PM

I can't think of a time I've said "excuse you" without derision.



Mon, Aug 14, 2023 4:40 PM

Def rude. 


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 14, 2023 4:41 PM
posted by BRF

I’ve had people say to me you’re excused when I say excuse me. And also I’ve had people say to me you’re pardoned when I say pardon me. 

This is great.  Next time someone says "excuse you", I'm going to reply "I'm excused"!

Verbal Kint

Senior Member

Tue, Aug 15, 2023 12:33 PM

I tell them which direction I will be passing them, if they don't move then their bad and I gave them warning