posted by CenterBHSFan
Just googled.
I found this:
I'm not buying this because... what's with the pics of him smiling when they're standing with one arm around the other? And why invite him to Mar a Lago to begin with?
Food for thought:
Be aware of a common leftist tactic to plant fake stories to create false equivalencies and destroy the credibility of true stories. For example, the long history of mysterious deaths surrounding the Clinton’s is well-known and documented. But littered through these stories are a few fake, easily-disproven death rumors. So, when someone mention the Clinton associate death history, Democrats only need point out a few of the fake stories, which destroys the credibility of the whole storyline. Also, a ton of obviously fake stories have been planted about mysterious deaths surrounding Donald Trump. So, when prominent Democratic donor & Clinton friend, Jeffrey Epstein, dies in perhaps the most obvious fake suicide in American history, Twitter had both trending #ClintonBodyCount and #TrumpBodyCount tweets. The neutral observer hears about both and concludes all are fake news conspiracy theories. Anyone paying attention knows Epstein was an uber-liberal connected to many powerful Democrats, with Bill Clinton visiting his “Lolita Island” 26 times. The Clinton’s, above anyone else, have the history and motive to have him killed. Yet, the media largely have ignored these connections and instead played up a couple harmless 20-30 year old pictures and Trump quotes with Epstein. It is hilarious to watch the media express outrage at the “conspiracy theories” about Epstein’s murder backed by “no evidence” after 3 years of Trump-Russia stories received 24-7 coverage despite any evidence.