Good news, you can now pay for your DoorDash with an interest-free payment plan.
Senior Member
Senior Member
Going to go order $25 worth of Taco Bell (which would have been $15 had I just gone there myself) and split it into four $6.25 payments over the next eight weeks.
The Navy Guy
The Navy Guy
friendfromlowry wrote:Going to go order $25 worth of Taco Bell (which would have been $15 had I just gone there myself) and split it into four $6.25 payments over the next eight weeks.
I mean, you do usually pay for Taco Bell a second time. This takes a step further.
I’ve never used it
Senior Member
Senior Member
Ironman92 wrote:I’ve never used it
Doordash? Klarna? Taco Bell?
Dr Winston O'Boogie
Senior Member
Dr Winston O'Boogie
Senior Member
At some point you may just have to come to terms with “I can’t afford this.”
Reppin' the 330/216/843
Reppin' the 330/216/843
Dr Winston O'Boogie wrote:At some point you may just have to come to terms with “I can’t afford this.”
I don’t think I’ve ever used one of these delivery services. Too cheap.
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
We use DoorDash maybe once or twice a month. The convenience is nice when we don't want to leave the house or cook, but it's kinda stupid how much DoorDash makes off of every transaction. If there is a $5 or $6 delivery fee (we only order when it's free delivery or sometimes $0.49 or $0.99), DoorDash gets that entire delivery fee, PLUS their standard fee of like 15% of the order cost for providing the service (this fee I'm okay with, but it should probably be less than 15%).
I live within a mile of almost every place in town. I’m never doing it.
I’ll have a pizza delivered on vacation…best I can do
Senior Member
Senior Member
This is a great way to impress your lady. "Don't worry baby you don't have to cook tonight, I get paid Friday we can do door dash."
Senior Member
Senior Member
Chase bank app asks me this every once in awhile for anything remotely “large”, like $100 or more.
I get “woukd you like to split this into 3 payments”
No dumbass, I ran my debit card for a reason, because I have the money to pay for this thing now.
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
I take advantage of 0% interest payment plans every once in a while when it makes sense. My Macbook Pro I paid off over the last year because it was easy through the Apple Card. My Outback and my wife's Crosstrek had 0% financing back in the day. Pretty sure we did it to buy our bedroom set when we were in our 20s and didn't have a ton of savings.
But if you're financing a burrito you should re-evaluate your spending habits.
An exceptional poster.
An exceptional poster.
Payment plan is ridiculous. I use DoorDash though, usually only in the winter and on bad weather nights. We don’t cook on Fridays and if we’re not feeling like a restaurant, we get it delivered (if farther than walking distance).
Chase Sapphire includes free DashPass, which takes off the delivery charge and cuts tax to around $2. So it’s just a matter of whether paying $2 more per plate due to markup makes a difference to us.