posted by Spock
i had a powerball ticket last year worth $350,000,000. I got the first 4 numbers. I thought I was going to have a heart attack..... closest I have ever come to winning anything.
Crazy it only paid about $100.
Years ago before Ohio had powerball I had to travel across to Indiana to get one (15 miles).
It was a large jackpot so I went on over. Didnt win. Went again for the next drawing.
Read in the paper (this was before the interwebs was huge) and saw that I had all the numbers but the powerball! Called to the place, said ya win $100,000 if that was the case. So, all day at working I am thinking I just won 60K(after taxes) and probably had half of that earmarked for stuff.
Drove over.....took one last look at the ticket before walking in and realized it.....was from the previous drawing.
I was devastated. Did have the powerball so that won me another ticket but for about 8 hours I thought I had 100K