What will be your alternative method of not handshaking?
Fauci says people should 'just forget about shaking hands' even after the coronavirus threat is over
To help I have provided what other counties do and my suggestion.
Stick out your tongue ( Wow)
Bump noses ( Not Good)
Qatar, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates
Air kiss on the cheek (Not Good)
France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Latin America, Ukraine, and Québec, Canada
Blowing a Kiss (Could be trouble)
Rub noses (and sometimes foreheads) Not Good
New Zealand
Shake hands both hands (No off limits)
Botswana, China, Germany, Zambia
Clap your hands (Could work)
Put your hand on your heart (Nice Idea)
Malaysia Mozambique Rwanda
Bow (Ok I’m not crazy about this)
Cambodia, India, Nepal, Laos, Thailand
Sniff faces (Hard Pass)
Greenland and Tuvalu (Oceania)
Fist Bump (Still that touching thing)
Old Indian How Sign (Could work liking this)
Power Fist Sign (Ok but not great)
Give the Finger (Popular but not in every situation)
Give some of your ideas bee creative….