Anyone ever had one? So i live in a condo and this is a 3 story condo that is in building with 5 other condos. All the condos are basically Identical except some have balcony and some do not or some may have two very large bedrooms and some have 1 large bedroom and 2 smaller ones and 2 car gararges. I have been here for about 8 years give or take. Most of the people in the building were here before me and we all get along great. Very friendly group. Everyone owns their condos so it has been great.
Well one of the guys on the end rented out his condo about a year ago to a complete asshole. Like right off the bat he started ignoring people when they say high or whatever and just little things like telling my neighbors wife "i dont have time to wave or talk to people". Just weird stuff like walking by your door or window and making a comment about where you park or just random weird stuff. Most everyone just was like oh well.
He has 3 dogs and two of them are german shepards who are untrained and will chase and bite anyone. So about a month into living there he decides to let his two dogs out on his front grass about 10 pm off leash to pee. Of course my neighbor just happened to be returning from a walk and his dogs attacked my neighbor and his puppy. Of course he blamed the neighbor for "popping up out of nowhere", complete lack of self awareness.
About a month after that, My windows are open and i see him pull up and let his dogs out of his truck to run in his house, well there are some kids in the next set of buildings playing catch. His dogs immediately go after the kids (they happen to be black) and blames them for not stopping their play when you can see my letting my dogs out. Mind you these kids are 10-12 years old. When their mother comes out he tells her why dont you move back to the "Westside". So at this point I go knock on his door and we have some words and i basically tell him to put his dogs on a leash or train them and watch his mouth.
Over the next 6-8 months the dogs have attacked the indian lady in the building behind us walking back from the pizza shop with her pizza, he has verbally assulted and his dogs attacked the retired woman who is our HOA rep and she has called police several times.
I basically have tried to stay out of it except for once when i guess he shouted something at my wife out the window and I bascially threatened his life if he spoke to my wife again.
Fastforward to yesterday so I guess he was out of town and his girlfriend tried to take his dogs out to the bathroom, and one dog pulled free from the leash and attacked another neighbor almost killing her dog and latching on to the neighbors arm to the point a bystander had to get a screwdriver to pry the dog off.
Sorry rant over. Anyone ever had a shitty neighbor?