Bad Neighbors



1,123 posts
Tue, Feb 25, 2025 1:30 PM

Anyone ever had one?  So i live in a condo and this is a 3 story condo that is in building with 5 other condos.  All the condos are basically Identical except some have balcony and some do not or some may have two very large bedrooms and some have 1 large bedroom and 2 smaller ones and 2 car gararges.  I have been here for about 8 years give or take.  Most of the people in the building were here before me and we all get along great.  Very friendly group.  Everyone owns their condos so it has been great.

Well one of the guys on the end rented out his condo about a year ago to a complete asshole.  Like right off the bat he started ignoring people when they say high or whatever and just little things like telling my neighbors wife "i dont have time to wave or talk to people".  Just weird stuff like walking by your door or window and making a comment about where you  park or just random weird stuff.  Most everyone just was like oh well.

He has 3 dogs and two of them are german shepards who are untrained and will chase and bite anyone.  So about a month into living there  he decides to let his two dogs out on his front grass about 10 pm off leash to pee.   Of course my neighbor just happened to be returning from a walk and his dogs attacked my neighbor and his puppy.  Of course he blamed the neighbor for "popping up out of nowhere", complete lack of self awareness.

About a month after that, My windows are open and i see him pull up and let his dogs out of his truck to run in his house, well there are some kids in the next set of buildings playing catch.  His dogs immediately go after the kids (they happen to be black) and blames them for not stopping their play when you can see my letting my dogs out.  Mind you these kids are 10-12 years old.  When their mother comes out he tells her why dont you move back to the "Westside".  So at this point I go knock on his door and we have some words and i basically tell him to put his dogs on a leash or train them and watch his mouth.

Over the next 6-8 months the dogs have attacked the indian lady in the building behind us walking back from the pizza shop with her pizza, he has verbally assulted and his dogs  attacked the retired woman who is our HOA rep and she has called police several times.

I basically have tried to stay out of it except for once  when i guess he shouted something at my wife out the window and I bascially threatened his life if he spoke to my wife again.

Fastforward to yesterday so I guess he was out of town and his girlfriend tried to take his dogs out to the bathroom, and one dog pulled free from the leash and attacked another neighbor almost killing her dog and latching on to the neighbors arm to the point a bystander had to get a screwdriver to pry the dog off.

Sorry rant over.  Anyone ever had a shitty neighbor?


Senior Member

5,459 posts
Tue, Feb 25, 2025 1:41 PM

If you have ever watched an episode of "Fear Thy Neighbor", you know how this ends.



1,123 posts
Tue, Feb 25, 2025 1:58 PM
majorspark wrote:

If you have ever watched an episode of "Fear Thy Neighbor", you know how this ends.

Exactly.  Which is why i have tried to stay out of it.  It has been exaserbated because in the first year he would take his dogs out the back and everyone else woudl go out the front, but we are about 8 weeks into construction on the front of the building to replace everyones decks and front lower siding due to a defect that was found so everyone has to go out the back.  Its just an annoyance to go through everytime i take my dog out i have to worry about getting attacked, and not so much for me but for my wife.


Senior Member

18,369 posts
Tue, Feb 25, 2025 2:03 PM

You say the dogs have already bitten multiple people, and young kids (and also other smaller dogs) are in harms way.  The police MIGHT let one dog bite slide.  But when there's a history, those dogs will be ordered shipped out or put down.

No one wants to be "that guy",  but these dogs are a danger and you should make that call.

It happened in my building.  Pit bull at a neighbor behind us that was very clearly NOT FRIENDLY (and a rescue dog, so, yeah) finally got loose one day and nearly killed someone's small dog.  They didn't want to report it because they didn't want to see the dog put down.  I'm standing there trying to figure out how to tell her if it hadn't been for her dog it would have been HER that got attacked.  They ended up reporting it.  Didn't see it for a while.  Then for a few weeks a few months later.  Haven't seen it since.



1,123 posts
Tue, Feb 25, 2025 2:09 PM
gut wrote:

You say the dogs have already bitten multiple people, and young kids (and also other smaller dogs) are in harms way.  The police MIGHT let one dog bite slide.  But when there's a history, those dogs will be ordered shipped out or put down.

No one wants to be "that guy",  but these dogs are a danger and you should make that call.

It happened in my building.  Pit bull at a neighbor behind us that was very clearly NOT FRIENDLY (and a rescue dog, so, yeah) finally got loose one day and nearly killed someone's small dog.  They didn't want to report it because they didn't want to see the dog put down.  I'm standing there trying to figure out how to tell her if it hadn't been for her dog it would have been HER that got attacked.  They ended up reporting it.  Didn't see it for a while.  Then for a few weeks a few months later.  Haven't seen it since.

The other "attacks" didnt result in serious injuries as the people were able to scramble on cars or grab a rake in one case.  The police did come and take a report at least two times i know of, i know he has made restitution to the indian lady for her food and some torn clothing,  and we have all filed with the HOA a few months ago to have the homeowner evict this person.  This event did have injuries and I believe that the animal control came last night at about 9 pm to get the dog, but the woman did not anwser the door.  I agree that this is a case of a bad dog owner, and not necessarily a bad dog.  We have constantly kept thinking that surely each event will be the last time and he will learn but im starting to realize he just doesnt care.



56,729 posts
Tue, Feb 25, 2025 2:27 PM
geeblock wrote:

Anyone ever had one?  So i live in a condo and this is a 3 story condo that is in building with 5 other condos.  All the condos are basically Identical except some have balcony and some do not or some may have two very large bedrooms and some have 1 large bedroom and 2 smaller ones and 2 car gararges.  I have been here for about 8 years give or take.  Most of the people in the building were here before me and we all get along great.  Very friendly group.  Everyone owns their condos so it has been great.

Well one of the guys on the end rented out his condo about a year ago to a complete asshole.  Like right off the bat he started ignoring people when they say high or whatever and just little things like telling my neighbors wife "i dont have time to wave or talk to people".  Just weird stuff like walking by your door or window and making a comment about where you  park or just random weird stuff.  Most everyone just was like oh well.

He has 3 dogs and two of them are german shepards who are untrained and will chase and bite anyone.  So about a month into living there  he decides to let his two dogs out on his front grass about 10 pm off leash to pee.   Of course my neighbor just happened to be returning from a walk and his dogs attacked my neighbor and his puppy.  Of course he blamed the neighbor for "popping up out of nowhere", complete lack of self awareness.

About a month after that, My windows are open and i see him pull up and let his dogs out of his truck to run in his house, well there are some kids in the next set of buildings playing catch.  His dogs immediately go after the kids (they happen to be black) and blames them for not stopping their play when you can see my letting my dogs out.  Mind you these kids are 10-12 years old.  When their mother comes out he tells her why dont you move back to the "Westside".  So at this point I go knock on his door and we have some words and i basically tell him to put his dogs on a leash or train them and watch his mouth.

Over the next 6-8 months the dogs have attacked the indian lady in the building behind us walking back from the pizza shop with her pizza, he has verbally assulted and his dogs  attacked the retired woman who is our HOA rep and she has called police several times.

I basically have tried to stay out of it except for once  when i guess he shouted something at my wife out the window and I bascially threatened his life if he spoke to my wife again.

Fastforward to yesterday so I guess he was out of town and his girlfriend tried to take his dogs out to the bathroom, and one dog pulled free from the leash and attacked another neighbor almost killing her dog and latching on to the neighbors arm to the point a bystander had to get a screwdriver to pry the dog off.

Sorry rant over.  Anyone ever had a shitty neighbor?

That’s extremely hideous.

Mine are mostly people you never even notice but do have 1 guy across the way that hits golf balls into a giant green net/cage at least 8x a day for 20+ min. He’s odd but if I needed help he would…doesn’t mow his grass 🤦🏻‍♂️

House beside me is a rental and at one point had a big strong special needs kids that would shot put large concrete parts of a broken wall over our fence. Fortunately they didn’t stay long. We’ve been pretty lucky.


Senior Member

18,369 posts
Tue, Feb 25, 2025 2:31 PM
geeblock wrote:

We have constantly kept thinking that surely each event will be the last time and he will learn but im starting to realize he just doesnt care.

He clearly doesn't know how to train dogs much less correct bad behavior.  It's hopeless.   Sure, not the dog's fault.  But it's only a matter of time before it seriously injures someone.

Our HOA restricts renting.  Not sure they are actually allowed to do so, but it hasn't really been challenged.  Sounds like they need to amend bylaws to heavily fine owners for not keeping their dog on a leash.


Senior Member

7,737 posts
Tue, Feb 25, 2025 2:54 PM

Neighbor two houses down...

Retired old busy body lady. She's one of those ones that is always on the Nextdoor app/website complaining about this landscaper or commenting rudely on anyone's take on the next school levy, etc. You know the type.

We move in 2008, no big deal. A month or so after moving in we now have a dog and a cat (both inside). She mentions to my wife that she is a "pet lover" and they chat over dogs and cats in a normal conversation.

A month or so later some stray cat apparently starts using her lawn as a kitty litter routinely. By this time we have a second cat (1 dog, 2 cats, all indoors).

She comes up to our house in a huff about how "our cat is crapping in her yard and she will not have it". I was out of town so my wife says "what cat? mine are inside". "Well I've seen your animals outside and I won't have it". My wife told her to get lost.

That was it, for the next 12 months of "Fear thy Neighbor" style hell.

She tried to talk to the whole neighborhood about how us "new neighbors are going to ruin everyone's lawn". She typed out a letter and hand delivered it into everyone's mailboxes about 4 houses up and down the street on both sides. She tries to get her friends across the street to agree with her and "gang up" on us. They tell her to drop it, she's wrong, which she doesn't like at all. She tries another old retired couple to do the same, they say "we don't want to be involved".

She tried to talk to me only one time, I just stopped her in her tracks "Sandy, you are being stupid. The stray cats in the neighborhood are not ours. And NEVER put your hands in my mailbox again, that is a crime and I will contact the post office next time."

So from that time on she always waited until I was out of town for work and started crap with my wife (who to be fair has no ability to back down when someone else starts shit with her).

She even put a sign in her yard that put the names and phone numbers of the old couple across the street (the ones that were her friends until they told her she was wrong). The sign said "If you want to know about incestuous relationships, contact XYZ and ABC as they are cousins. Their phone number is XXX-XXXX". This couple was the nicest couple, just sat on their porch all day watching kids play in a quiet neighborhood. So the old man walks across the street so he can see what the sign said and Sandy calls the police saying "come quick, he has a GUN". 

Our small town of 4000 people have no more than 2 officers on at a time, but they both came flying.

All in all she called the police on either us or the people across the street 20+ times over 12 months all over BS nothing that no one was ever cited or arrested for. She would call them if she walked by your house on your sidewalk and started cussing at you and you just told her to "shut up bitch". That would be a police call.

It came to a head when the Chief of Police set up a meeting at the station with her, us, and the old couple across the street. He had the county prosecutor there to talk to each household one at a time then all of us together.

We got asked questions like "how many times have you called the police on Sandy" "zero, we just know its an old crazy lady and let it go". They had a 10 inch stack of police reports of all the times she had called the cops on the rest of us and said "we can obviously see what the problem is".

The bring us all in the room together and start off by saying they are going to have the village council pass a statute that you can be ticketed and fined for numerous "non-emergency calls" to "waste police/village resources". And that the drama on our street had to stop. They said they are just going to walk us out one by one so there is no drama in the parking lot.

An officer walks her out first, they do this on purpose. Their outside "ring" style camera caught her telling the officer "I just don't know how any of this happened?" (she's real good at playing victim".

The chief of police and prosecutor told us other two couples "we know where the problem is, all we can ask is that when/if she starts crap try not to escalate".

That was roughly 2012 ish when it all ended as she got the message without really admitting it. One time in the last 13 years my wife tried to approach her and be the bigger person. My wife said "Sandy, back then whatever things I did to escalate the situation, or things I said, I'm sorry". She quickly cussed out my wife and that was the last interaction.

She's a real "peach".


Senior Member

7,527 posts
Tue, Feb 25, 2025 5:37 PM

My family had terrible neighbors on one side of us my whole life. The first was a couple who had kids and were generally good neighbors except about every 6 months they would get drunk and get into all out fist fights usually ending in both of their arrests. It went on for maybe 20 years until they finally got divorced after he threw her thru a window. 

Next family moves in. They are not married and have 6 kids together. They openly admit they don’t get married because she would lose her welfare because he had a good job. Their poor kids were always filthy. They never cut their grass until the city would come and give them 24 hours or they would mow it for them for like $500. Then they got two German shepherds one of which jumped their fence into our backyard and bit my dad. Then I’m not sure if it was the same one or the other Sheppard attacked a man who always walked around the neighborhood. They also constantly had people coming and going and using drugs in their cars out front. They probably lived there 7-8 years and tore the house up so bad they sold it for basically nothing to a flipper and bought another house on the same street but about a 1/4 mile away. 

When my mom sold her house a few years after my dad had passed away I think it was the first time that house had good neighbors living in it. 

What’s crazy is literally the rest of the street was great the whole time. 


333 - I'm only half evil

7,259 posts
Tue, Feb 25, 2025 9:37 PM

I'm feeling really fortunate in that all of my neighbors in a three mile radius are good people. There was one major disruption to that peace years ago when Nathan Brooks became a family annihilator. 

Otherwise, everybody is gunned and we look out for each other. No robberies, no calling the cops on each other, no dog bites. 

I wouldn't live in a city again for nothing.



1,123 posts
Tue, Feb 25, 2025 9:42 PM

The rest of my neighbors are amazing. If I’m out of town I can say hey can you pick up my package, another neighbor has a key to my house in case of emergency etc. if my package gets delivered to them they will bring it over etc. when I smoke bbq, I always make extra and drop off plates to them and we generally all look out for each other. 




56,729 posts
Tue, Feb 25, 2025 9:56 PM
jmog wrote:

Neighbor two houses down...

Retired old busy body lady. She's one of those ones that is always on the Nextdoor app/website complaining about this landscaper or commenting rudely on anyone's take on the next school levy, etc. You know the type.

We move in 2008, no big deal. A month or so after moving in we now have a dog and a cat (both inside). She mentions to my wife that she is a "pet lover" and they chat over dogs and cats in a normal conversation.

A month or so later some stray cat apparently starts using her lawn as a kitty litter routinely. By this time we have a second cat (1 dog, 2 cats, all indoors).

She comes up to our house in a huff about how "our cat is crapping in her yard and she will not have it". I was out of town so my wife says "what cat? mine are inside". "Well I've seen your animals outside and I won't have it". My wife told her to get lost.

That was it, for the next 12 months of "Fear thy Neighbor" style hell.

She tried to talk to the whole neighborhood about how us "new neighbors are going to ruin everyone's lawn". She typed out a letter and hand delivered it into everyone's mailboxes about 4 houses up and down the street on both sides. She tries to get her friends across the street to agree with her and "gang up" on us. They tell her to drop it, she's wrong, which she doesn't like at all. She tries another old retired couple to do the same, they say "we don't want to be involved".

She tried to talk to me only one time, I just stopped her in her tracks "Sandy, you are being stupid. The stray cats in the neighborhood are not ours. And NEVER put your hands in my mailbox again, that is a crime and I will contact the post office next time."

So from that time on she always waited until I was out of town for work and started crap with my wife (who to be fair has no ability to back down when someone else starts shit with her).

She even put a sign in her yard that put the names and phone numbers of the old couple across the street (the ones that were her friends until they told her she was wrong). The sign said "If you want to know about incestuous relationships, contact XYZ and ABC as they are cousins. Their phone number is XXX-XXXX". This couple was the nicest couple, just sat on their porch all day watching kids play in a quiet neighborhood. So the old man walks across the street so he can see what the sign said and Sandy calls the police saying "come quick, he has a GUN". 

Our small town of 4000 people have no more than 2 officers on at a time, but they both came flying.

All in all she called the police on either us or the people across the street 20+ times over 12 months all over BS nothing that no one was ever cited or arrested for. She would call them if she walked by your house on your sidewalk and started cussing at you and you just told her to "shut up bitch". That would be a police call.

It came to a head when the Chief of Police set up a meeting at the station with her, us, and the old couple across the street. He had the county prosecutor there to talk to each household one at a time then all of us together.

We got asked questions like "how many times have you called the police on Sandy" "zero, we just know its an old crazy lady and let it go". They had a 10 inch stack of police reports of all the times she had called the cops on the rest of us and said "we can obviously see what the problem is".

The bring us all in the room together and start off by saying they are going to have the village council pass a statute that you can be ticketed and fined for numerous "non-emergency calls" to "waste police/village resources". And that the drama on our street had to stop. They said they are just going to walk us out one by one so there is no drama in the parking lot.

An officer walks her out first, they do this on purpose. Their outside "ring" style camera caught her telling the officer "I just don't know how any of this happened?" (she's real good at playing victim".

The chief of police and prosecutor told us other two couples "we know where the problem is, all we can ask is that when/if she starts crap try not to escalate".

That was roughly 2012 ish when it all ended as she got the message without really admitting it. One time in the last 13 years my wife tried to approach her and be the bigger person. My wife said "Sandy, back then whatever things I did to escalate the situation, or things I said, I'm sorry". She quickly cussed out my wife and that was the last interaction.

She's a real "peach".




1,123 posts
Thu, Feb 27, 2025 5:56 PM



1,123 posts
Thu, Feb 27, 2025 5:56 PM



1,123 posts
Thu, Feb 27, 2025 5:58 PM

Update.. so I apparently knew the girl whose dog this was and she sent me the pics. She talked to the owner of the house and he is revoking their lease renewal in June. I will update his rant on my ring camera I put up out back from this morning tomorrow.