Any Chromebook users?

HOF on coattails

Junior Member

Wed, Feb 28, 2018 6:06 PM

In the market for a new notebook.  The Chromebook is cheap but also has its own Chrome Operating System.  The notebook will be used for basic stuff like internet access and word processing.  No video games. 

 Mostly looking for opinions on the Chrome OS.  Thanks.


Honorable Admin

Wed, Feb 28, 2018 6:32 PM

I can't help much as I don't have any experience with Chrome OS, but I did find this article.

If you're mostly browsing the web and can use Google Docs for your word processing, I think you'll be fine with a Chromebook. While I haven't used Chrome OS, it does look pretty slick from the videos I've watched.



Senior Member

Wed, Feb 28, 2018 7:27 PM

My 13 year old has one for his homework. We have no complaints. 




Wed, Feb 28, 2018 10:20 PM

We use them a ton at school...seem pretty reliable 



Senior Member

Wed, Feb 28, 2018 10:32 PM

ChromeOS is fine for your needs.

However, laptops are not equal and can be quite finicky.  Definitely do some research because a Chromebook may not be the best value or the laptop you'd most prefer.  The big issues are heat and keyboard, maybe battery life...doesn't sound like you have a need for a lot of ports and the displays are usually pretty comparable.

Point is cheap whether running Windows or ChromeOS.  Shop for the laptop, not the OS.

HOF on coattails

Junior Member

Thu, Mar 1, 2018 4:05 AM

Majority of the time the notebook will be hooked it up to my TV.  If the Chromebook has a HD plug, it'll be the winner.


Senior Member

Fri, Mar 2, 2018 2:41 PM
posted by HOF on coattails

Majority of the time the notebook will be hooked it up to my TV.  If the Chromebook has a HD plug, it'll be the winner.

Chromebook is now just a generic term meaning "laptop that comes with ChromeOS pre-installed".  Over at Newegg, chromebooks start at $200 and go up to over $1000.....which is pretty much the same range you'll find for Windows laptops and "developer" machines intended to run on Linux.

That's why I said shop the laptop, not the OS.