posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieI agree with you. I don't watch these either. The last one I watched it's entirety was Bush jr after 9/11. The clapping on one side while the other sits morose is the stupidest thing ever. It's our Congress' opportunity to pretend their chamber is lively like the UK parlimant. But it is not and non of them are those types of players. Instead they look like jackasses. The whole thing has really turned into the "look who is clapping" show. I don 't want to hear Trump's BS, I have no interested the democratic "response", I don't want to see the right wing or left wing extremists make faces, I don't want to see the Supreme Court judges forced to sit there and try not to look like they'd like to be anywhere else. In modern times, we are now also treated to the close ups of the "special guests" sitting up in the balconey that are used to further reinforce the care and concern of the sitting president.
An obnoxious crap show that does absolutely nothing to help anything. Was it good back the days before modern communication when there were not ways for the average citizen to get a current assessment on the country from the president easily? Sure. Those days are long, long gone.
The SOTU reaction we see on both sides (no matter whom is the Pres) is a microcosm of what is wrong with the US. These are our supposed leaders and we see them cheering, or jeering, for the simple reason of what party they belong to.