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15,492 posts
Fri, Feb 8, 2019 11:48 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I agree with you.  I don't watch these either.  The last one I watched it's entirety was Bush jr after 9/11.  The clapping on one side while the other sits morose is the stupidest thing ever.  It's our Congress' opportunity to pretend their chamber is lively like the UK parlimant.  But it is not and non of them are those types of players.  Instead they look like jackasses.   The whole thing has really turned into the "look who is clapping" show.  I don 't want to hear Trump's BS, I have no interested the democratic "response", I don't want to see the right wing or left wing extremists make faces, I don't want to see the Supreme Court judges forced to sit there and try not to look like they'd like to be anywhere else.  In modern times, we are now also treated to the close ups of the "special guests" sitting up in the balconey that are used to further reinforce the care and concern of the sitting president.  


An obnoxious crap show that does absolutely nothing to help anything.  Was it good back the days before modern communication when there were not ways for the average citizen to get a current assessment on the country from the president easily?  Sure.  Those days are long, long gone.  

The SOTU reaction we see on both sides (no matter whom is the Pres) is a microcosm  of what is wrong with the US.   These are our supposed leaders and we see them cheering, or jeering, for the simple reason of what party they belong to.


Senior Member

15,492 posts
Fri, Feb 8, 2019 11:51 PM


They are atrocious right now.

On the way home last night I hit one that nearly took me off the road. A rest stop was right there so I pulled in believing I would soon have a flat. I park and take a look and luckily I survived, but there were two cars there changing a tire that they got from that same pothole.

On a positive not though, this morning on the way into work the state was actually had that spot shut down on 33 westbound and fixing it!  Musta been nasty on.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

18,868 posts
Fri, Feb 8, 2019 11:56 PM
posted by thavoice

The SOTU reaction we see on both sides (no matter whom is the Pres) is a microcosm  of what is wrong with the US.   These are our supposed leaders and we see them cheering, or jeering, for the simple reason of what party they belong to.

At this point, I'd settle for seeing someone in the room acting like an adult.

And by "adult," I don't mean Bernie looking like the crazy uncle who's not sure how he got there.



Senior Member

10,828 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 8:40 AM

I'm wondering if anyone here has worse in-laws than I do. 

Our son is five months old. My mother in law was going to be the primary babysitter until we could get him enrolled in daycare, which we wanted to hold off on for as long as possible. I wasn't crazy about her being the primary babysitter - which lead to many arguments between my wife and I. My in-laws are the messiest people you'll ever meet. Their house is trashed. Once my son got old enough to crawl he wouldn't be able to go there anymore anyways because it wouldn't be safe for him. My in-laws had to know this, but do you think they ever bothered to make an effort to clean things up? Instead, about a month ago my MIL tripped over something late at night and broke her arm requiring surgery, and now she can no longer babysit at all. 

So last week we were forced to enroll our son in daycare, and my MIL (who I could post several paragraphs on how she's screwed us and been a huge pain in the ass throughout my marriage) spends her time blowing up my wife's phone about how we're ruining our son by doing this, etc. She doesn't answer my texts anymore, probably for the best because I'm on the verge of snapping at her. If she hadn't been an inconsiderate slob we wouldn't be in this mess. Like we want to spend hundreds of dollars on our son to go to daycare? And of course nothing is ever her fault, it's always ours and especially mine. 


333 - I'm only half evil

9,880 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 8:48 AM

I don't have "in-laws" per say, but my dude's family are some of the kindest, most considerate people I know. Likewise, my family always tries to go out of their way to make him feel welcome and part of the family. I'm very fortunate in this. 
Maybe have some sort of family meeting and bring things up, with the intention on how best to solve any supposed issues without being confrontational? I don't know if something like that will ever fly in your situation, though. People have the habit of taking everything as a personal affront. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

13,431 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 8:55 AM
posted by friendfromlowry

I'm wondering if anyone here has worse in-laws than I do. 

Damn. How do you hold your tongue? I’d have put that lady in her place long ago. Sounds like you’re better off at daycare than her watching/ teaching your child things. The $1,200/ month we pay is killer though.

I live 3 hours from MIL and 11 hours from FIL so it’s nice that when they come to visit all they want to do is play with the baby and are chill. 


Senior Member

6,059 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 9:26 AM

My mother in law is a saint.


Senior Member

39,620 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 10:22 AM
posted by ernest_t_bass

Well aware.  Doesn't mean it doesn't outrage me.

Your outrage makes no sense. Think you just wanted to humble brag about paying off a credit card. 


Senior Member

39,620 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 10:26 AM
posted by friendfromlowry

I'm wondering if anyone here has worse in-laws than I do. 

Our son is five months old. My mother in law was going to be the primary babysitter until we could get him enrolled in daycare, which we wanted to hold off on for as long as possible. I wasn't crazy about her being the primary babysitter - which lead to many arguments between my wife and I. My in-laws are the messiest people you'll ever meet. Their house is trashed. Once my son got old enough to crawl he wouldn't be able to go there anymore anyways because it wouldn't be safe for him. My in-laws had to know this, but do you think they ever bothered to make an effort to clean things up? Instead, about a month ago my MIL tripped over something late at night and broke her arm requiring surgery, and now she can no longer babysit at all. 

So last week we were forced to enroll our son in daycare, and my MIL (who I could post several paragraphs on how she's screwed us and been a huge pain in the ass throughout my marriage) spends her time blowing up my wife's phone about how we're ruining our son by doing this, etc. She doesn't answer my texts anymore, probably for the best because I'm on the verge of snapping at her. If she hadn't been an inconsiderate slob we wouldn't be in this mess. Like we want to spend hundreds of dollars on our son to go to daycare? And of course nothing is ever her fault, it's always ours and especially mine. 

Like mentioned, sounds like it’s a blessing in disguise that your MIL won’t be around your kid in a very important stage of his/her life. 

Pay for the day care. I know it’s expensive but you do get a nice tax credit at least. Assuming trumpy doesn’t take it away :)



3,452 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 10:42 AM

My gf’s mother is really nice and treats me well when we go there a few times a year for steeler games since they live near Pittsburgh. One weird thing is that she treats her German shepherds better then she treats her kids and husband. She doesn’t work and wouldn’t help babysit my new niece because she had just got a new puppy and it would be too stressful. Smh 


333 - I'm only half evil

9,880 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 10:50 AM
posted by geeblock

My gf’s mother is really nice and treats me well when we go there a few times a year for steeler games since they live near Pittsburgh. One weird thing is that she treats her German shepherds better then she treats her kids and husband. She doesn’t work and wouldn’t help babysit my new niece because she had just got a new puppy and it would be too stressful. Smh 

In "somewhat" of a defense of her, I love my pets more than I like most people (outside of family/friends of course). I do often wonder if people like that aren't replacing the empty nest with fur babies. I don't know, just throwing spaghetti on the wall. 
As an aside, german shepard dogs are high maintenance. As puppies they need almost constant attention of activity and discipline. 



3,452 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 2:42 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

In "somewhat" of a defense of her, I love my pets more than I like most people (outside of family/friends of course). I do often wonder if people like that aren't replacing the empty nest with fur babies. I don't know, just throwing spaghetti on the wall. 
As an aside, german shepard dogs are high maintenance. As puppies they need almost constant attention of activity and discipline. 

Side note we had to put our 13 year old German shepherd down today. Super sad. She was the oldest of the litter still alive. Her back legs just basically quit working. We have known it was coming for about a year but this week it got really bad. In contrast my MIL a few years ago when our dogs sister was going thru a similar situation her mom refused to do the humane thing and let the dog suffer for about a year because she was too selfish to do the humane thing. And then refused to leave the house for a year because her dog died  



3,452 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 2:52 PM

RIP Jersey 



Senior Member

15,492 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 3:04 PM
posted by geeblock

Side note we had to put our 13 year old German shepherd down today. Super sad. She was the oldest of the litter still alive. Her back legs just basically quit working. We have known it was coming for about a year but this week it got really bad. In contrast my MIL a few years ago when our dogs sister was going thru a similar situation her mom refused to do the humane thing and let the dog suffer for about a year because she was too selfish to do the humane thing. And then refused to leave the house for a year because her dog died  

That sucks dude.    Dogs are a blast and become your family!


My MIL isnt as bad as above, but she is about as racists as they come and should be on the show hoarders. She will go find "great deals" at crappy stores and buy a lot of it and give it to family members.  The latest was 10 huge tubes of some off brand yogurt.  Expired. Plain, but bought a ton of it because they were practically giving it away. THey are the type to drive across town to save 2 cents on a gallon of gas or drive towns over to save a little bit on Amish cheese never mind the cost to make that drive.


but I digress




3,452 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 3:05 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

In "somewhat" of a defense of her, I love my pets more than I like most people (outside of family/friends of course). I do often wonder if people like that aren't replacing the empty nest with fur babies. I don't know, just throwing spaghetti on the wall. 
As an aside, german shepard dogs are high maintenance. As puppies they need almost constant attention of activity and discipline. 

Her dog is completely untrained and attacks you and jumps all over you and scratches you and scares the kids and she doesn’t say a word. In fact she blames the kids for being scared. On the last day I was there for some reason the dog quit jumping on me and was acting scared around me and she was basically asking me 5 times why as if I had hit the dog or something. I am a dog lover but she is not healthy with these dogs. She hand feeds them and cooks all their meals 


Senior Member

15,492 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 3:10 PM
posted by geeblock

Her dog is completely untrained and attacks you and jumps all over you and scratches you and scares the kids and she doesn’t say a word. In fact she blames the kids for being scared. On the last day I was there for some reason the dog quit jumping on me and was acting scared around me and she was basically asking me 5 times why as if I had hit the dog or something. I am a dog lover but she is not healthy with these dogs. She hand feeds them and cooks all their meals 

I bet her dog loves peanut butter as a late night snack when no one is around...………….





3,452 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 3:32 PM

The way I feel r now I never want another dog again. It’s too hard 


Honorable Admin

46,062 posts
Sat, Feb 9, 2019 3:53 PM

Sorry to hear about your pup, geeblock. We've got 3 dogs that are hitting their twilight years. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

18,868 posts
Sun, Feb 10, 2019 12:23 AM

I'm really sorry to hear that, geeblock.  I've had to do that twice in the last 18 months, and it's brutal.  Never gets easier.



3,452 posts
Sun, Feb 10, 2019 7:45 AM

The people at med vets in Columbus were amazing. I can’t imagine having to do a job like that everyday. Everyone in there was so nice and empathetic. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

6,720 posts
Sun, Feb 10, 2019 9:46 AM
posted by geeblock

The people at med vets in Columbus were amazing. I can’t imagine having to do a job like that everyday. Everyone in there was so nice and empathetic. 

To a dog lover, it is heartbreaking to say goodbye. In time it will get better. When the time is right, you will want another little guy. My favorite dog ever died in 2007. I felt the same way you do. Eventually we brought a new little fella into our lives and I’m so glad we did. The pain of losing them is true. But you’ll want to fill that dog hole someday. Take care. 


Senior Member

996 posts
Sun, Feb 10, 2019 12:55 PM
posted by geeblock

Side note we had to put our 13 year old German shepherd down today. Super sad. S

Very sorry to hear that.  It's tough to do, but it's the right thing to do.

I've always thought German Shepherds are beautiful dogs.  Thinking about getting one, preferable all-black.  Hard to find on the rescue sites, may have to break down and get a pup.  Several folks have advised me to look at breeders in Michigan, they have a better overall reputation.


333 - I'm only half evil

9,880 posts
Sun, Feb 10, 2019 3:46 PM

So in the UK a woman was arrested in front of her kids, taken to jail, had her DNA taken and was kept in jail for 7 hours. Because she deadnamed a trans person. For those who don't know, deadnaming can be one of two things. 1.) Call a trans person by their old name (Frank ---> Sheila)
2.) Misgendering them (calling a trans woman a man)

In the US we are already seeing places crop up where you can be fined for doing this, namely NY and I think CA and it really makes you wonder how excruciatingly hypersensitive this kind of intersectional politics will affect our laws.


12th Son of the Lama

27,363 posts
Sun, Feb 10, 2019 6:24 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

So in the UK a woman was arrested in front of her kids, taken to jail, had her DNA taken and was kept in jail for 7 hours. Because she deadnamed a trans person. For those who don't know, deadnaming can be one of two things. 1.) Call a trans person by their old name (Frank ---> Sheila)
2.) Misgendering them (calling a trans woman a man)

In the US we are already seeing places crop up where you can be fined for doing this, namely NY and I think CA and it really makes you wonder how excruciatingly hypersensitive this kind of intersectional politics will affect our laws.


Senior Member

22,817 posts
Sun, Feb 10, 2019 6:37 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

So in the UK a woman was arrested in front of her kids, taken to jail, had her DNA taken and was kept in jail for 7 hours. Because she deadnamed a trans person. For those who don't know, deadnaming can be one of two things. 1.) Call a trans person by their old name (Frank ---> Sheila)
2.) Misgendering them (calling a trans woman a man)

That's pretty awful.

But I saw another UK case where a lawyer sued someone - a director/producer, I think, so not a nobody - for deadnaming him/her on Twitter.  And that argument I can kind of understand, since you put that in the public domain and now everyone knows her "secret", which opens her up to potential discrimination, etc.