I saw this over the weekend and wanted to talk a little bit about the movie. This, I am sure, will turn into a "pro life vs pro choice" debate but I don't want that. I was surprised the tone of the of the movie, specifically its tone toward women that have abortions and those that work inside of the clinics.
It is a must see for anyone pro-life, and I would recommend it for those that are pro-choice as well to truly see one person's story who has been on both sides of the debate. It is NOT what some in the media are making it out to be.
Both sides of the debate/aisle are presented in this movie. In the beginning Abby (the woman the autobiography is about) is pro-choice and works at a Planned Parenthood clinic (eventually runs the clinic). She gives all of the reasons, arguments, etc for pro-choice and women's health to anyone who will listen. The women in the clinic that work there are shown to truly be there to help women. They are not demonized a single moment in the film. The movie isn't about "bashing" women who get abortions or those that work in PP clinics. Matter of fact the main characters are the exact opposite of that "stereotype" and the movie depicts everyone who works in the clinic as someone who truly are there trying to help women.
It will "get" you if you are pro-life. For those that are Christians and watched Mel Gibson's "The Passion" I put it like this. The Passion was a movie that all Christians should watch, and almost all of them never want to watch it again (see "Jesus" go through what he did). This movie will be the exact same for those that are pro-life. You need to see it, but will never want to watch it again. What I mean is that it doesn't pull any punches about what happens in/during an abortion, and while it didn't really deserve an "R" rating it would have/should have definitely been PG-13 due to the graphic content in 2 or 3 specific scenes.
There is one scene early on where the story is discretely showing exactly how Christians shouldn't act around clinics and women going into them vs how they should (the irate protesters berating women vs the peaceful ones that are just praying and talking to the women like they are human beings).
Anyone else see it or plan on seeing it? What are your thoughts?