posted by gut
LMFAO....Trump is going to get re-elected and they're going to blame the coronavirus - and they'll claim the inadequate response was intentional for that purpose. In other words, Trump is colluding with coronavirus (you can see this coming)!
But seriously. Trump and the Repubs are downplaying the virus, while the Dems are crying [hoping] Armageddon. Which voters do you think are more likely to stay home come November?
I think it comes down to the Trump-lovers-under-any-conditions vs. the Trump-haters-under-any-conditions. While both groups are vocal, I believe there are more in the former. Biden is a not a candidate that will inspire. In fact, he's probably regarded as a huge letdown. He is not going to get enough "people who are not in the Trump-hater camp, but will vote against Trump nonetheless" voters to come out to make up the difference between the lovers and haters.
It is funny how both extremes (as they always do) use something like coronavirus as a political argument. The left wing acts like Trump is thwarting response to supress dissent. The right wingers claim it is a conspiracy between the media and democrats to "weaponize" a disease that is really just a common cold in disguise.