Progressives, part 3...

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22,825 posts
Wed, Jan 22, 2020 2:02 AM
posted by Spock

Its all BS, there was never a "whistleblower" was a plant.  Schiff had this set up since day 1.

There was definitely a "whistleblower".  I'm just not convinced Trump did anything differently to Biden than Obama and Hillary did to him.

I think there was more cause for suspicion with Biden than there ever was with Trump and Russia.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

6,735 posts
Wed, Jan 22, 2020 9:36 AM

I agree that these quid pro quo type things are part of being president.  Is it always right?  Probably not.  But the world is complicated and presidents are political animals.  What Trump did with Ukraine was slimy (as opposed to QO assuring us he was protecting the Union and the People), but probably no different then every single president has done at times.  Biden completely put himself in a compromising position by having his son place there.  This impeachment is a bunch of slimballs acting like they have our interests in mind.




Senior Member

6,059 posts
Wed, Jan 22, 2020 11:03 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I agree that these quid pro quo type things are part of being president.  Is it always right?  Probably not.  But the world is complicated and presidents are political animals.  What Trump did with Ukraine was slimy (as opposed to QO assuring us he was protecting the Union and the People), but probably no different then every single president has done at times.  Biden completely put himself in a compromising position by having his son place there.  This impeachment is a bunch of slimballs acting like they have our interests in mind.



Trump is spending our taxpayer dollars in one of the most corrupt countries in the world.  A little strong arm tactic is ok with me


1st Team All-PWN

30,324 posts
Wed, Jan 22, 2020 1:57 PM
posted by justincredible

Anyone follow the VA gun rights rally yesterday? Surprising no one, the media and the Twitter blue check brigade decided to frame it as a racist, white nationalist event. Meanwhile, the event went off without a hitch. People of all color were in attendance (yes, it was predominately white), joined together in the common goal of opposing the newly proposed, and absolutely worthless, gun control laws. And, after the event, they cleaned up after themselves. I saw video of people peeling stickers off of pavement as to leave no trace behind.

Still more diverse than the march for our lives rally. 

posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

You're so cool. 



posted by justincredible

And then he had the nerve to come out after the rally to credit himself for de-escalating the violence. He's an absolute dunce of a man.

That fact he isn't held accountable from the left is living proof they are 100% full of shit.  



Senior Member

22,825 posts
Wed, Jan 22, 2020 2:16 PM

They keep calling it a "drug deal"....not really poll-tested, for me.


Senior Member

8,937 posts
Wed, Jan 22, 2020 4:04 PM
posted by like_that

Still more diverse than the march for our lives rally. 

and the remaining slate of Democrat presidential candidates.



Senior Member

22,825 posts
Wed, Jan 22, 2020 5:32 PM

What this impeachment hearing really needs is Rick Perry grilling Hunter Biden on energy :)



Senior Member

10,397 posts
Thu, Jan 23, 2020 8:17 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Huh? The FBI arrested three guys earlier this month which was the reason for the declaration.


The declaration was also in response to the shit show that was Charlottesville, which is still fresh on the minds of everyone in VA.. I'm not in favor of many of the proposed gun laws in VA, but I'll give them and the people that protested credit for being a peacefull and uneventful day.  

I did laugh at some of the fat guys in full tac gear. It's like dude, you look like an idiot. 

The Charlottsville was actually declared as a "unite the right" and had a few far right racist groups listed as attending.


The VA protest had no such thing. 


The problem is that the narrative from the left and the media is that "well obviously 2A supporters are white supremecists so its just like Charlottsville". Which, anyone who has 2 brain cells to rub together knows is horsecrap.


Honorable Admin

46,096 posts
Thu, Jan 23, 2020 8:48 AM
posted by jmog

The problem is that the narrative from the left and the media is that "well obviously 2A supporters are white supremecists so its just like Charlottsville". Which, anyone who has 2 brain cells to rub together knows is horsecrap.

And why I adamantly oppose any sort of red-flag law. Pass the law, and then move the goalpost of what constitutes a dangerous person.



Senior Member

10,397 posts
Thu, Jan 23, 2020 11:54 AM
posted by justincredible

And why I adamantly oppose any sort of red-flag law. Pass the law, and then move the goalpost of what constitutes a dangerous person.

You see the case the other day where a kid committed suicide by cop (charged a cop with knife after minutes of the cop backing up and begging him to drop the knife...cop goes to switch from gun to taser for a better outcome, kid charges cop at that point and 2 cops drop him). 


The mother of the kid lied on red flag documents that she was a cousin of the cop and listed him as mentally unstable and a danger with a gun. They took his gun and he was suspended until they figured out who filled out all the forms for the red flag.


She just wanted revenge for what was obviously a clean shooting.


That's what the red flag laws will turn into. People you know have guns and they make you mad.


Honorable Admin

46,096 posts
Thu, Jan 23, 2020 11:57 AM

I did see that. I'm generally not one to give cops the benefit of the doubt, but in that instance the cop was clearly justified. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

18,868 posts
Thu, Jan 23, 2020 12:35 PM
posted by justincredible

I did see that. I'm generally not one to give cops the benefit of the doubt, but in that instance the cop was clearly justified. 



Senior Member

22,825 posts
Thu, Jan 23, 2020 4:43 PM

LOL, 24 hours of the Dems basically repeating the same 30 minutes of material.  Gotta make sure anyone who tortures themselves tuning in for 15 minutes gets all the "facts".

IMO, they failed from the start making Adam Schiff the star of these proceedings after most of America knows he lied about proof of collusion for 2.5 years.


Senior Member

6,059 posts
Fri, Jan 24, 2020 9:20 AM
posted by gut

LOL, 24 hours of the Dems basically repeating the same 30 minutes of material.  Gotta make sure anyone who tortures themselves tuning in for 15 minutes gets all the "facts".

IMO, they failed from the start making Adam Schiff the star of these proceedings after most of America knows he lied about proof of collusion for 2.5 years.

Having the Dem lapdogs continue to be part of all the processes automatically turn everyone off.  The congress has a 9% approval rating.  Let's let them make the case.  And people think Pelosi is smart.


Senior Member

14,851 posts
Fri, Jan 24, 2020 11:30 AM
posted by gut

LOL, 24 hours of the Dems basically repeating the same 30 minutes of material.  Gotta make sure anyone who tortures themselves tuning in for 15 minutes gets all the "facts".

IMO, they failed from the start making Adam Schiff the star of these proceedings after most of America knows he lied about proof of collusion for 2.5 years.






The desperation is immeasurable, as is the deceit.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

6,735 posts
Fri, Jan 24, 2020 11:53 AM
posted by QuakerOats






The desperation is immeasurable, as is the deceit.

Well, We'll all look forward to that Greg.


Senior Member

22,825 posts
Fri, Jan 24, 2020 1:39 PM
posted by O-Trap

I swear AOC might just be a libertarian troll who has infiltrated the Democratic Party to make them look more ridiculous.

Her economics teachers probably belong in jail for fraud and malpractice.

Although one of my MBA classmates had an economics degree from Brown....and failed micro (and failing any class in grad school is quite difficult).  I still have no idea how that's possible.


Everyone just assumes AOC is dumb.  But maybe she's simply mastered the politician's gift for lying and deception.  She never would have had a chance before social media.  But now she can connect directly with like-minded idiots, and you're talking about a loud & outspoken segment that creates a perception of a lot more popularity and power than she actually has.


Senior Member

6,059 posts
Sat, Jan 25, 2020 11:38 AM

Trumps team is just shredding Adam Schiff this morning.  They have laid out about a dozen ways he violated the constitution to get Pelosi to this point.


Senior Member

22,825 posts
Sat, Jan 25, 2020 2:14 PM
posted by Spock

Trumps team is just shredding Adam Schiff this morning.  They have laid out about a dozen ways he violated the constitution to get Pelosi to this point.

I didn't see any of it.  But, IMO, the "obstruction of Congress" charge should be dismissed because it's not for Congress to decide whether or not Executive Privilege applies.  That's a bad precedent to allow to stand.  I don't think Trump would win that on judicial review, but that's the process that needs to be followed.  You can't impeach POTUS over "obstruction" simply because he refuses to cooperate with what may be an unconstitutional request.


Senior Member

6,059 posts
Sat, Jan 25, 2020 3:55 PM
posted by gut

I didn't see any of it.  But, IMO, the "obstruction of Congress" charge should be dismissed because it's not for Congress to decide whether or not Executive Privilege applies.  That's a bad precedent to allow to stand.  I don't think Trump would win that on judicial review, but that's the process that needs to be followed.  You can't impeach POTUS over "obstruction" simply because he refuses to cooperate with what may be an unconstitutional request.

What "MAY" be unconstitutional?  Thats what they shredded Schiff and Pelosi on.  They impeached him and issued subpoenas with a full vote in the house (because Pelosi knew she didnt have the votes) and they went ahead anyway.  That violation makes it all invalid.  


Senior Member

22,825 posts
Sat, Jan 25, 2020 7:16 PM
posted by Spock

What "MAY" be unconstitutional? 

Trump's use of executive privilege in this instance.  A court would, IMO, rule Congress hasn't requested privileged docs/testimony.  But it's not for Congress to decide, and without a court ruling the subpoenas are valid you can't impeach him for obstruction.

Abuse of power is a different animal.  It's not a crime, but I don't think removal from office is necessarily only for crimes.


Senior Member

14,851 posts
Mon, Jan 27, 2020 10:50 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Well, We'll all look forward to that Greg.


Who is Greg?


Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

6,735 posts
Mon, Jan 27, 2020 11:27 AM
posted by QuakerOats


Who is Greg?

Greg Focker.  He gave Jack the Jerusalem Tulip.  Really he gave Jack the pot with the soil and Jack wasn't sure what the present was.  He just looked at the soil quizzicallly.  Greg said.  "The real gift is what's in the soil.  The seed of the Jerusalem Tulip.  With care and watering, it should bloom in about six months."  Jack responded, "Well, we'll all look forward to that Greg."  This is a scene from Meet the Parents.  It's a good one for people who are always promising fantastic outcomes "soon".  


Senior Member

6,059 posts
Fri, Jan 31, 2020 8:56 AM

Man it was funny to see Nadler and Schiff scamper to the podium last night when they knew it was ending.  Jerry almost fell over getting that pear shaped body moving.  Schiff ends his wild fishing trip with the feable words "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry)