I thought about starting these threads when S&L was bitching how the politics forum turned into a cesspool of conservatives bashing liberals. He did have a point that our politics forum really hasn't broaden any discussions lately. I believe in general, this site is overall pretty moderate and a lot of us probably agree on shit with posters we tend to clash with. The plan was to start these threads when there were no sports and when the DNC debates started. I did not anticipate S&L would actually cry and take his ball home.
Anyway, I am going to try and keep making these threads. If anyone wants to make these threads as well go for it. Let's stick to actual issues and issues we have not beaten to the ground (i.e. guns). The first topic is pretty mild. What do you think should be this country's policy toward drugs? I am talking about all drugs and not just marijuana. If you vote in the poll, at least provide your reasoning for your choice.
FYI, if you don't know the difference between legalization vs decriminalization this link is pretty helpful https://www.thoughtco.com/decriminalization-versus-legalization-of-marijuana-3368393
Edit: I also hope these threads will bring in posters, who otherwise avoid politard discussions lol.