Why are over half of the US senators at or above retirement age? Why are 2 of them pushing 90 years old? Why is the average age of the Senate just 1 year below retirement age? Is there a good reason not for an age limit? We have a lower threshold of 30 years. Why not an upper threshold?
The average increase in net worth for Senators in terms of the top 20 growth from when elected to current status is 422% a year. I'd imagine that plays the largest role in why so many don't want to give up those jobs. Senators also out perform nearly everyone in the stock market... not even just average us households (which they kill in performance) but also those who are deemed to be corporates insiders. Why does everyone just turn a blind eye to the amount of wealth people accumulate just by being in congress. It's not a Republican or Democrat issue... its nearly all of congress,