So Google has kicked Parler off its app store, and Apple is expected to follow, for "failing to moderate its users content".
Now if that was Al Qaeda using the platform to plan terrorist activities, we'd probably all agree. But where's the line? A lot of things Big Tech is censoring appear to simply be opinions they disagree with (like Facebook recently limiting Rush Limbaugh's distribution). There's a tendency to score opinions they agree with as "fact" or "settled science", and that then those fallacies are used to suppress dissenting views. Meanwhile, others get away with spreading absolutely ridiculous falsehoods, so long as it aligns with the sacred cows.
The traditional "free market" response has been if you don't like them, then go start a platform to compete with Twitter. Except Android and IOS control like 97% of the mobile market, meaning if they block a mobile app for your platform you're basically dead in the water. And if you start becoming successful, they buy you and then evolve it to their purpose. Both practices would typically run afoul of antitrust laws.
IMO, big tech needs to be broken-up and regulated as a publisher. There's been a largely hidden and silent war on free speech, and free speech is getting absolutely destroyed.
I'm in no way defending Parler, and I've never been there but hear it's a cesspool. But if the hurdle is regulating content to their satisfaction, with one millionth the resources, then that's yet another form of anti-competitive behavior.