posted by QuakerOats
Coronavirus task force was established January 29th.
Whatever. You know full well that until early March, Trump said the virus was another flu and was totally under control. He's not alone in this, but don't try to act like establishing a task force is equal to him even acknowledging the problem. There are task forces for everything. As we can see, the task force for this didn't result in anything.
You've followed the right wing media personality playbook on this thing to a tee.
Blame some Chinese lab
Compare it to colds and flu
Blame the media and democrats
Pivot 180 and embrace Trump's current status of taking it seriously and denying you or he had ever done anything but that.
Think for yourself for a change. Trying to mimic all of Trump's crazy ass antics and make it look like it's all part of a logical plan isn't working.