posted by jmog1. She spent the last 4 years saying Trump was not legitimate, so you really shouldn't use her as a high horse.
2. The Dems have done "this" before, or did you forget Gore back in 2000?
3. Is there some fraud? Probably, enough to truly change the election? Most likely not. However, is there an issue with checking and double checking? I mean its actually not the norm to know the winner the night of the election because of things like this. Biden will be President, no reason not to verify everything first.
4. It is hilarious for you to act like democrats have not in the past, and would not do the same thing given their actual history, especially over the last 4 years. Come back to reality.
1. I was just saying she lost by less numbers than Trump did this year. Chill.
2. Yes, I do remember 2000 or did you not see my Sore Loserman pic to Quaker? In 2000 it was also just one state, and under a 1,000 votes, not multiple states with 10,000 plus vote difference.
3. Yes, there is a process to checking and double checking, and that is what they are doing state by state, just like every election year. Hence, yeah of the lawsuits are getting thrown out as the judges are not finding any evidence to support the claims by Trump.
4. Do you really think Dems would be acting like Trump is right now? I do not. If so, why did they not in 2016, when the numbers were closer was my point? Why did Obama not say, well we need to wait until the state's certify the election? He did not. Did he block the GSA was talking to Trump? No.
You can at least acknowledge Trump is acting like a sore loser and not accepting reality.