posted by geeblock
Lol this is like a repeat of the 2016 but her emails. When you don’t have any policy for healthcare, covid, no stimulus plan, no policies at all for that matter, you just have to destrqct people with conspiracies and try to convince them the other guy is worse than me
Mind numbing.
If you want to talk policies - highly successful ones; let's do it:
Taxes - reduced marginal tax rates and expanded tax credits for the middle class resulting in substantially more take-home pay for families, so they can better take care of themselves - it is their labor; it should be their money. Also cut corporate tax rates to a level where American companies can compete globally, resulting in a tremendous hiring surge; lowest unemployment in history; and huge private capex spending.
Regulations - reduced asinine regulations so that small businesses can survive and prosper, resulting in an economic boom and significantly more jobs and hiring. A job is better than a handout.
Energy - reduced asinine regulations to unleash the resources we have been gifted with to make our nation energy independent. The prices we pay for heating homes is incredibly low, a major benefit to seniors and others on fixed incomes. Side benefit -- no more wars in the middle east over oil.
Foreign policy - defeated ISIS; terrorism in check; no new wars; bringing troops home; NATO paying their fair share.
Trade - pulled out of horrific trade deals and reconstructed a good deal USMCA. Took on China which has been stealing us bling, and bringing manufacturing back: +700,000 new mfg jobs.
COVID - halted China travel saving tens of thousands of lives. Marshaled one of the greatest private/public efforts in history to turn back the virus and further save 2 million lives.
Should I continue?