Charities and Good Will….as the Rich Athlete

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56,729 posts
Sun, Dec 29, 2024 3:08 PM

You are an elite professional athlete and you’ve made it by signing your $500,000,000 contract.

What things in your city if play, other cities are you funding, helping, creating as your charity or good will?


I’m visiting the local children’s hospital and making those kids and their families happier

Probably picking a school or some format for helping out a mess of kids and families at Christmas 

Youth center for kids that need a place…with potential scholarships down the road for these kids.

Donations to food banks and animal shelters 

Find a few schools that are “pay to play” and pay for every athlete in need 

Have an organization for girls that don’t have the means for prom/homecoming dances and pay for their special evenings



56,729 posts
Sun, Dec 29, 2024 3:09 PM

And something with Make A Wish type things


Senior Member

7,778 posts
Sun, Dec 29, 2024 4:49 PM

Whatever helps the most with child hunger. If it’s a donation to food banks then fine but I also think there’s gotta be a way to do more. 

Maybe help schools to provide free breakfast and lunches and after school snacks? 




56,729 posts
Sun, Dec 29, 2024 5:12 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

Whatever helps the most with child hunger. If it’s a donation to food banks then fine but I also think there’s gotta be a way to do more. 

Maybe help schools to provide free breakfast and lunches and after school snacks? 

I’ve said this for a while….I’m at a rural school that is poor like most of southern Ohio. I’ve had breakfast and lunch duty virtually every year. My school has 400-450 kids most years. I’ll guess maybe 10 kids a year are “hungry”….and we have not very nice lunch people but I’ve never in 27 years not seen a hungry kid get fed and given extras. For the past decade they get boxes of food to take home each weekend.

Our foods are hideous….I might advise help schools maybe pay for healthier foods. 

I do believe the “hungry children” thought is highly overblown from my experience.

With the huge cash we could make things much better for the kids for sure….but you’d be disgusted with what is served for breakfast especially and also lunch.


Senior Member

7,527 posts
Sun, Dec 29, 2024 7:57 PM

I’m not giving to any school or organization. What I would do are things like the giving tree around Christmas. I would also randomly pay for people’s groceries or buy a kid a computer at bestbuy or give food to the homeless.  Would volunteer my time at children’s hospitals and help people pay for recovery from drug addiction.


333 - I'm only half evil

7,259 posts
Mon, Dec 30, 2024 12:02 AM

I've always thought it would be very fulfilling for me to have a no kill animal shelter, specializing in the larger livestock (cattle and horses), although other animals would be welcome. I have the land to do so, but would have to take out a few acres of trees and I just can't seem to bring myself to do that. 



56,729 posts
Mon, Dec 30, 2024 12:07 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I've always thought it would be very fulfilling for me to have a no kill animal shelter, specializing in the larger livestock (cattle and horses), although other animals would be welcome. I have the land to do so, but would have to take out a few acres of trees and I just can't seem to bring myself to do that. 

Could buy more land that doesn’t have trees