posted by iclfan2
I don’t think it’s worth blowing up your career over. Even if some of the things said are true, which is horrible for the NFL, what can he claim was done to him for damages?
And fuck Hue Jackson.
That's what I'm wondering. Unless he has recordings or something along those lines, everything turns into a he said/he said situation. The league basically immediately took the side of Ross (not exactly a surprise, since "Protect the Shield" basically means "protect the owners and their money and keep everyone else in line") and both Ross and Elway have made strong statements denying the allegations pertaining to them.
Unless he has some sort of smoking gun to bring out, it'll just wind up one of those situations where a lot of sports media and a lot of fans will believe there's something fishy going on because everything at least sounds believable (especially if, like me, you're pretty/very/extremely cynical about how things work), but none of it will be provable and the NFL will go on about their business, feeding out their company line through their personal media guys who suck ass to get scoops like Schefter.