
justincredible Honorable Admin
37,969 posts 249 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jan 16, 2022 3:31 PM

Anyone else playing this game?


A new puzzle each day. It's a 5-letter word you have to try to guess within 6 tries. 

Someone mentioned it on our work slack a couple weeks ago and now I'm seeing people sharing their results all over twitter. 

justincredible Honorable Admin
37,969 posts 249 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jan 16, 2022 3:32 PM

Wordle 211 3/6




Today was interesting. Didn't get a single letter on my first guess but got it by my third try.

friendfromlowry Senior Member
7,778 posts 86 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jan 16, 2022 4:07 PM

I got it on my fifth. So we would have had the same words?

Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 166 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jan 16, 2022 4:09 PM

My son plays and I’m seeing this all over Twitter and FB

iclfan2 Reppin' the 330/216/843
9,465 posts 98 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jan 16, 2022 4:15 PM

I’ve been doing it for about two weeks. I do not go with having to find a word with a letter you find. I just eliminate letters with words and then get it.

justincredible Honorable Admin
37,969 posts 249 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jan 16, 2022 4:42 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

I got it on my fifth. So we would have had the same words?

Yes, as far as I know everyone gets the same word each day  

iclfan2 Reppin' the 330/216/843
9,465 posts 98 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jan 16, 2022 5:08 PM
posted by justincredible

Yes, as far as I know everyone gets the same word each day  

This is correct. Same word for everyone. Only one a day

jmog Senior Member
7,737 posts 50 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jan 16, 2022 5:10 PM
posted by justincredible

Wordle 211 3/6




Today was interesting. Didn't get a single letter on my first guess but got it by my third try.

Just did it today for first time  got it on 5th try  

How do you get a thing to share like this that doesn’t give it away?

iclfan2 Reppin' the 330/216/843
9,465 posts 98 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jan 16, 2022 5:12 PM
posted by jmog

Just did it today for first time  got it on 5th try  

How do you get a thing to share like this that doesn’t give it away?

When it says share, you can pick Twitter is the only one I’ve seen like that. 

I’ve done 8, got all, 1 3, 1 4, 4 5s, and 2 6s. Abbey was the hardest one I thought so far. 

justincredible Honorable Admin
37,969 posts 249 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jan 16, 2022 5:13 PM

Click the share button when the results box pops up when you finish. Then just paste it here. 

jmog Senior Member
7,737 posts 50 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jan 16, 2022 6:19 PM

Wordle 211 5/6






sportchampps Senior Member
7,527 posts 36 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jan 16, 2022 9:26 PM

Today was first time I tried I got it in the third try

superman Senior Member
4,377 posts 71 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jan 16, 2022 9:30 PM

Wordle 211 5/6






33,369 posts 133 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jan 17, 2022 12:22 AM

Wordle 211 4/6





Does everyone have their go to first word?

brutus161 The Navy Guy
1,688 posts 24 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jan 17, 2022 8:06 AM

Been playing for 3 days. Like it so far

iclfan2 Reppin' the 330/216/843
9,465 posts 98 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jan 17, 2022 8:08 AM

Wordle 212 4/6





I use the same word to start with each time. 

33,369 posts 133 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jan 17, 2022 8:39 AM

Wordle 212 4/6





Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 166 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jan 17, 2022 8:42 AM

Seems like stare would be a good starter word.

jmog Senior Member
7,737 posts 50 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jan 17, 2022 9:26 AM

Wordle 212 3/6




justincredible Honorable Admin
37,969 posts 249 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jan 17, 2022 9:41 AM

I start with a new word each time. 

justincredible Honorable Admin
37,969 posts 249 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jan 17, 2022 9:49 AM
posted by jmog

Wordle 212 3/6





Wordle 212 3/6






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