My Macbook I bought in 2010 is finally on it's last legs. It keeps shutting off regularly on me. I am not sure what to do next, because I pretty much just use the laptop for basic shit. I've considered an iPad, but there are some things I still would need a computer for. For work we have the surface pro 3 (windows) and it has been growing on me. When I work from home I just connect the surface pro to a docking station and expand it to two screens. I wish Apple looked into making iPads that could interchange between iOS and macOS software, because I would easily go that route and use it the same way I use the Surface Pro.
I've used a Mac in the past, and since then, most of my laptops have had Windows, but I've been dabbling with a few Linux versions lately (I'm actually on one as I type this).
Anyone else find that they really enjoy Linux, or is it Mac or Windows all the way?