Give 'em a honk


Honorable Admin

37,969 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 12:50 PM

Are you a car horn honker? Are you a frequent or sporadic honker? Or are you generally on the receiving end of the honk?

I had to honk at some dingus yesterday that had no idea where he was going, kept switching between the straight-and-left lane, and the right-only lane (my lane), and, when he got to the light (green, btw) he decided he didn't need to be in my lane anymore and blocked me from turning while waiting to get back in the left lane.

I also tend to give a little blast when I'm the 2nd or 3rd car at the light and the lead car hasn't gone after 2-3 seconds. What gets me, at least in my experience, if it's two lanes, BOTH cars in the lead sit there until someone honks more often than just one car not moving.




56,729 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 12:56 PM

Rare honker….only to alert to avoid accident (backing up in parking lot, merging back into lane too early on highway….due to blind spot)

I’ll honk to be funny on occasion and used to use my horn to go with the beat of the popular song on the radio….maybe just the chorus now 😁


Senior Member

27,923 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 1:09 PM

The only time I honk is if it's at a deer or an idiot at a stop sign/light who isn't moving because they are f@cking TEXTING.


Senior Member

18,369 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 1:10 PM

Not any more.  I get over it - too many crazy people out there.

When some idiot is staring at their phone when the light changes, I'll TAP the horn.

I did once prevent an accident honking to alert an 18-wheeler that was changing lanes and didn't see the car ahead of me alongside him.  He gave me a wave when I passed him.


Senior Member

18,369 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 1:11 PM
posted by BR1986FB

The only time I honk is if it's at a deer or an idiot at a stop sign/light who isn't moving because they are f@cking TEXTING.

I'm getting SOMEWHAT use to that.  But I have no patience for the idiot that does it at every light.


Senior Member

27,923 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 1:14 PM
posted by gut

I'm getting SOMEWHAT use to that.  But I have no patience for the idiot that does it at every light.

I'm not talking a second or two. It's when the light's about to turn red again that I get pissed.


Senior Member

11,701 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 1:48 PM

Only to alert a dumbo that they're about to cause an accident, or under an old low train bridge so the better half will say, " I knew you were going to do that".  


Honorable Admin

37,969 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 1:56 PM
posted by gut

Not any more.  I get over it - too many crazy people out there.

When some idiot is staring at their phone when the light changes, I'll TAP the horn.

I did once prevent an accident honking to alert an 18-wheeler that was changing lanes and didn't see the car ahead of me alongside him.  He gave me a wave when I passed him.

I can't remember if I shared this on here or not, I don't think I did. 

I had a guy attempt to kill me on 70-W right before getting on 270. It wasn't for a honk, it was for a middle finger, but it was still insane. He was riding my ass VERY aggressively at 80mph as I was passing a line of cars. I didn't appreciate it so I flipped him the bird. Once he got around me he kept slamming on his breaks in front of me and then tried to run me off the road. All of this at around 80 mph still. I haven't given the bird and have generally been slower to annoy on the road since then.



Honorable Admin

37,969 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 1:59 PM
posted by BR1986FB

I'm not talking a second or two. It's when the light's about to turn red again that I get pissed.

If you haven't started moving after 3 seconds you definitely deserve a quick honk. If you're still sitting there after 5 it's a long blast until you start moving or give some indication that your car isn't cooperating with you. That's quite rare. The 3 second honk is pretty common because everyone is so far up their own butts they can't be bothered to give their full attention to the road.


Son of the Sun

20,517 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 2:21 PM

Think the only reason I've ever honked (other than saying "bye" when exiting a driveway) has been for the "moron about to change lanes right into me". Maybe once or twice for not moving on a green light, but it's been a long time since I've had to do that. Never really saw the need to lay on the horn for random stuff. As a side note, that sort of stuff is pretty much wasted on me. I play my music way too loud to hear things like horns from inside my car and, even if I did, odds are that I'd either ignore it or flip the bird. Life's too short to GAF about another person's opinion on my driving.



56,729 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 2:44 PM
posted by justincredible

I can't remember if I shared this on here or not, I don't think I did. 

I had a guy attempt to kill me on 70-W right before getting on 270. It wasn't for a honk, it was for a middle finger, but it was still insane. He was riding my ass VERY aggressively at 80mph as I was passing a line of cars. I didn't appreciate it so I flipped him the bird. Once he got around me he kept slamming on his breaks in front of me and then tried to run me off the road. All of this at around 80 mph still. I haven't given the bird and have generally been slower to annoy on the road since then.

You just described Western Pike county lol


Senior Member

7,778 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 3:10 PM

I agree with gut. You’re more likely to be ignored or given the middle finger (or even worse) than actually acknowledged they were doing something wrong, so what’s the point. I’ll do it after a few seconds of no movement at a stoplight or they’re about to merge into me, but that might be about it. 


Senior Member

11,621 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 4:12 PM

I give a courtesy toot when someone is slow getting going on a green light.  If they don’t, then they will get the long “I’m pissed” honk. 

I’ve used long toots when trying to get someone’s attention before they cause an accident. 

Pet Peeve: The first driver on a left hand turn green light dicking around.  Get the fuck moving!



33,369 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 4:55 PM

Yeah. If people cut me off, or turn into the street same way I am going but dont get up to speed/it was not enough space to turn. I do not slow down and I will lay on the horn as I approach them and then pass them. Idiots need to learn/know that you cant just pull out into the road. 


Honorable Admin

37,969 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 5:03 PM

My wife got annoyed when I didn't honk at someone for sitting at the light too long. I could tell they realized the light turned and were starting to go, so I knew a honk was pointless. She still thought they deserved a honk so I told her to stop being such a sociopath.


Senior Member

7,778 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 5:53 PM
posted by justincredible

My wife got annoyed when I didn't honk at someone for sitting at the light too long. I could tell they realized the light turned and were starting to go, so I knew a honk was pointless. She still thought they deserved a honk so I told her to stop being such a sociopath.



Senior Member

12,351 posts
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 7:06 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Only to alert a dumbo that they're about to cause an accident, or under an old low train bridge so the better half will say, " I knew you were going to do that".  

I think we all honk going under the Jersey Ridge one because of it being one lane plus that 90 degree curve right after it 


Senior Member

1,065 posts
Sat, Aug 19, 2023 2:05 PM

I typically give a quick honk when someone isn't paying attention (sitting at a green light & fucking with their phone, etc). I normally give them 3-4 Mississippi's and then hit em with it.

I broke out a rare rage-induced honk on someone a few months ago. It was lightly raining and someone was going 20 in a 45 (strike 1). I followed them to a T-intersection that was light-controlled. They were turning right and didn't actually turn right on red (strike 2). Once the light turned green, they started going and then got about halfway through their turn and abruptly came to a near-complete stop even though there was absolutely nobody on the road except me and him (strike 3).

I had enough and laid on the horn as I ripped by them. They absolutely shouldn't have been on the road if they were that scared of driving in the rain.

I'm convinced they were either 80 years old, drunk, or somewhere in between.


Honorable Admin

37,969 posts
Sat, Aug 19, 2023 4:16 PM

Had two honk-worthy incidents today but didn't use it.

First one, I was stopped at a light in a left turn lane and it turned green, but we didn't get the arrow. There were cars coming, but they weren't close and were going slow and the truck in front is just sitting there. Then I noticed the (large) driver of the truck start swinging violently into the back seat. I saw a few smaller heads so my guess is he was either beating one of his kids or his dog. I decided not to honk and he quickly sped off so fast that I thought he might wreck on the on-ramp. That guy sucked but I wasn't about to get shot because I honked at some psycho.

Later on I got stuck behind some elderly woman that had no idea what she was doing. Luckily we were driving thru a small town strip so I couldn't go more than 25-30 mph anyway. But she was going from 10-15 mph and kept slamming on her brakes at open spots along the street like her old ass was going to parallel park. Eventually we go around a curve (of course she slows way down and puts on her turn signal even though that's just the route) and she decides to get into a left-turn only lane that goes into the Little Miami Brewing parking lot. I knew she didn't want to turn there so I sped past and sure enough she just cuts off the car that was behind me as she swerves back into the main lane. At a certain point people should have to start doing the driving tests again to renew their licenses.


Senior Member

5,459 posts
Sun, Aug 20, 2023 9:49 AM

I rarely honk.  My wife has reached over on occasion and honked for me.  Most problems for me are when I pass people who are going < the speed limit.  I often find myself going 15+ over the speed limit just to get around them.  Most times I carry on and they fade into the background.  Occasionally I get the brights.  Honking when you are in front is useless so this warrants a small tap on the brakes to inform the person I know they are an asshole.

There is a hill going into Berlin that has a passing lane before you come into town from the west that merges into one just as you enter town.  For some reason this gets people to completely lose their shit.  The speed limit goes from 55 to 25 at the merge point.   I had a guy behind me in the right merge lane attempt to quickly accelerate looked in my rearview mirror as we merged and the dude is waving his arms like a madman.  I hoist up the middle finger and it was like hitting the fast forward on the VCR.  Then I shit you not he turns left on the first street a few hundred feet past the merge point.