I don’t notice them much. I also always post from my phone so they aren’t as visible.
Too lazy for a poll, so I'm voting mine in respect for BRF.
Too lazy for a poll, so I'm voting mine in respect for BRF.
I don’t notice them much. I also always post from my phone so they aren’t as visible.
I’m going with this one:
And then a suggestion for ~Society~ that is more pleasing to the eyes:
Mine. The greatest player (when he retires) in Cleveland baseball history.
Mine is a drawing by James Thurber of a character from his short story "University Days" about his time as a student at Ohio State. The drawing is of a football player named Bolenciecwcz who was in Thurber's economics class. Bolenciecwcz was dumber than a board, but needed to pass in order to remain eligible for the team. So the professor helped him out to comical effect.
The drawing is titled "Bolenciecwcz was trying to think".