Dumb injuries

majorspark Senior Member
5,459 posts 38 reps Joined Nov 2009
Fri, Aug 4, 2023 9:55 AM

I have an 8ft bed on my truck and I had bought some really long pieces of trim.  If I remember 16ft.  So I laid the tailgate down grabbed a bungee cord from behind my seat.  Hooked it in one of the holes on one side of the tailgate.  Of course the one I picked barely made it to the hole on the other side but with a little extra effort I thought I could get it hooked.  Just as I was about to get the hook in the one on the other side slipped out.  The coiled ball of the hook struck me behind my left ear.  Nearly knocked me out.  I stumbled about and when I pulled my hand away from my head there was blood all over my fingers.  The guy at the lumber yard told me there was a cut behind my ear.  I was worried about something worse so I went to straight to the doctor.  Severe pain down into my jaw but just a cut.  This will never happen again.

Fletch Member
0 posts 3 reps Joined Nov 2020
Mon, Aug 7, 2023 3:12 PM

Ran a 4 hour trail relay saturday night on a really hilly course.  Totally pooped my quads out.  Thought, Hey I will be good in the morning for a round of golf.

Nope, blew my back up on the first hole.



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