posted by ptown_trojans_1
Tom Hanks.
Look at his run in the 90s into the 2000s
All in a row: League of their own, sleepless in Seattle, Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, Toy Story, That think you do, Saving Private Ryan, You've got Mail, Toy Story 2, the Green Mile, Cast Away, Road to Perdition, Catch me if you can.
Thats untouchable.
I'd say Denzel is up there too.
If anyone listens to the Rewatchables, there is a whole category on Cruise v. Hanks.
Cruise has a run as good if not better. Plus, he is still making good movies.
- The Outsiders
- Risky Business
- All The Right Moves
- Top Gun
- Color of Money
- Cocktail
- Rain Man
- Born on the 4th of July
- Days of Thunder
- A Few Good Men
- 8 Mission Impossible's (all of which go hard)
- Interview with a Vampire
- The Firm
- Jerry Maguire
- Eyes Wide Shut
- Magnolia
- Austin Powers 3
- Collateral
- Minority Report
- The Last Samurai
- War of the Words
- Lions for Lambs
- Tropic Thunder
- Edge of Tomorrow
- Rock of Ages
- Top Gun: Maverick
- 2 Reacher movies
Actually think it is him or Pitt as I am going thru this more intently -- though Pitt has infinitely more misses than a lot of this list, but he also hits the top more often like DeNiro. The wide range of topics and genres they both have would give you tons of variety for almost any mood.
Also depends on what "overall best catalogue" means. Like, DeNiro arguably has the best 4-5 movies if you took all the movies from the actors listed. But, I wouldnt take his overall catalogue to only watch the rest of my life, if that makes sense.