posted by queencitybuckeye"shall not be infringed unless statistics show a likely bad outcome"?
The SCOTUS has weighed and considered "rights" over and over where one individual's rights are at odds or infringe on another person's rights. They seemed to pretty clearly indicate that restrictions on open or concealed carry ARE subject to restriction, but that the NY law didn't pass muster.
They also said this is not about "militia". And invited further cases to more narrowly define their ruling.
The SCOTUS has never said that regulations and gun controls are unconstitutional. There is AMPLE room between where we are today and actual infringement. This particular case seemed to deal specifically with an unequal/overly restrictive requirement for concealed carry. I'm not sure if this case even took a position on concealed carry, just that if it's allowed then access to a license shouldn't be onerous or overly restricted.