posted by BRF
Bloomberg is the Dems only hope to unseat Trump, IMO.
If he doesn’t get the nomination, I’m for Pete.
I'd say the Ds have a huge uphill climb regardless of who gets the nomination or any other factors simply due to how fractured the party looks. If it's Bloomberg or one of the other more moderates, I can see a lot of those ALL RESISTANCE ALL THE TIME progressives losing interest and sulking because it wasn't Bernie or Warren because, as a group, that sort seems to be quick to take the "my way or the highway!" stance with absolutely no tact (just read Quaker's posts and imagine he's a left-winger instead of a right-winger and you have the average Twitter-presence progressive).
And if it's Bernie, I think you're pretty much writing off any sort of cohesive support from more moderate/rural/older Ds due to how far his stance is from theirs. I think he'd have an advantage over the moderate candidates in having a large base that'd get fired up and hit the ballot box in droves, but I also think that a lot of more moderate people would either sit out or vote for Trump because when a candidate gets a certain distance from the center (regardless of whether it's to the left or right) that makes a lot of people uncomfortable.