posted by O-TrapGot into a discussion with a disabled gentleman who has stated that his disability prevents him from finding a romantic partner (knowing him, I believe it has more to do with his vanilla demeanor and awkward personality).....
First, is there any good argument to establish sex as a "need" on an individual basis? Obviously, a species needs procreation to survive, but at the single individual level, is there anyone who can think of a good argument for sex as a need?
Secondly, is there a logical framework that can be used to justify a right based on the fact that it's a need?
1. I'm no attorney, but I did see the movie "Holiday Inn" last night. f you can survive without sex, it's not a "need".
2. Did you ask him why thinks prostitution is the only way to satisfy his "want"? I did a few searches, right away I found something about Tinder for the disabled. Awkward or not, he has avenues available to him, but you do have to watch out for the crazies.
I dunno, maybe that's the kind he's looking for. Guys talk, word gets around, ya hear things - and from the word I get from guys around me talking, there are women out there who would be turned on by a guy in the wheelchair (something about all that hardware?).
Did you suggest a sleazy strip bar with lap dancing, or Robert Kraft's favorite massage parlor?