posted by queencitybuckeye
As the title says. I made a lightweight political comment on Twitter (the dumb part) that favored a Republican on an issue. Come to find out I'm a Republican (not), a Trumpkin (definitely not), and a member of QAnon (JFC). Back to being read-only before I forget and do it again.
Political stuff (or even political-adjacent stuff) on social media is the sort of thing I avoid to speak on pretty much all the time. I do get laughs out of reading other peoples' stuff, but I'm not going to get involved!
For me, it's probably responding to a couple poli-posters here for any reason other than simply laughing at them. I'll write out this post that ranges from .25 to .5 OTrap in length, submit it and then think I'm a big idiot for wasting a few minutes because I'm thinking I'm going to have an impact on the mentality of people who are so set in their beliefs that they only listen to/believe stuff that backs up what they want to hear.