Progressives, part 3...

O-Trap Chief Shenanigans Officer
18,909 posts 140 reps Joined Nov 2009
Wed, Jun 5, 2019 5:05 PM
posted by QuakerOats



I was not advocating for jail time.  I was pondering the notion that he could be liable, perhaps in a civil suit, for damages to family members of the slain  for failing to do his duty.

Oh, I see.  Eh, maybe.  It still seems like a hard pill to swallow, because it's still basically saying he is being penalized for not risking his life.

Certainly more reasonable than jail time, though.  At least as far as I can reason.


posted by gut

If a cop can be convicted of manslaughter for gross negligence in use of force....then wouldn't it stand to reason that a cop could be criminally negligent for failing to engage an active shooter?

While I understand linking the two, I see a difference.  A difference we acknowledge on a civilian basis.

If I, a non-officer, refrain from saving someone I might be able to save because I wasn't willing to put my life on the line, that's not a crime.

On the other hand, if I hastily shoot someone without sufficient cause (as determined by a box of jurors), that is a crime.

I can see a parallel with officers there.

As for the slippery slope notion ... it's possible.  There's nothing to suggest it HAS to go there, but those are examples worth considering if and when someone actually decides to define the letter of the law as it pertains to 'negligence' in law enforcement.


like_that 1st Team All-PWN
29,228 posts 321 reps Joined Apr 2010
Thu, Jun 6, 2019 6:36 AM

I agree with otrap.  It is a slippery slope.  How about stripping him of his pension and/or allowing him to be sued?  I am not going to pretend I know how police departments work, but the oath should be more of a contract.

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 55 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Jun 6, 2019 6:46 AM

Well it all comes down to, ultimately public outrage. Peterson explicitly told lies on camera/interviews and when compared to actual live footage that was the icing on the cake. Besides some bad public opinion Israel has been able to squirm himself out of the spotlight lately. This is the tipping point, I think, where somebody has to take the fall in a very public manner.  Lawyers and courts aren't through with this yet, so we'll have to wait and see what the cake looks like when properly icinged.

Speaking of this, somebody on Twitter played a bit from FOX where it was some round table. They were talking about all of this and hashing out each's opinions. (And as an aside, I have to say that I really wish that Juan Williams was my dad growing up. As a kid you could probably get away with whatever you wanted to if you played up his feelings enough lol! Don't get me wrong, I think he's one of the nicest presenters on cable news, if not the only nice one. But I think that's also a major drawback for him because at times he really seems to get lost in the fog of feelings. I'm pretty sure he'd let me get away with things that my dad would have given me caulifower ear for.)
Anyway, the majority of them were hard on Peterson and a few brought up how Israel was also "to blame" because of his manipulations of the situation. At one point CNN was brought up and how they staged that town hall basically to go after Dana Loesch and the NRA while white-knighting Israel. 

And this is where I get to my point. This whole thing from start to now has been using big media to utilize fear mongering, lies, secrecy, weaponizing other kids from that school and massive misdirection. I have to wonder if the pageantry that has gone on never happened and things went right to dealing with the heart of the matter, if Peterson's arrest would even happen.

gut Senior Member
18,369 posts 117 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Jun 6, 2019 10:27 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

...using big media to utilize fear mongering, lies, secrecy, weaponizing other kids from that school and massive misdirection.

That's essentially the roadmap for to push the major liberal agenda, whether climate change or guns or healthcare or college tuition, etc...

I wonder how many mass shooters they're creating when their Hitler youth grow-up to realize they were used and deceived?

QuakerOats Senior Member
11,701 posts 67 reps Joined Nov 2009
O-Trap Chief Shenanigans Officer
18,909 posts 140 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Jun 6, 2019 2:26 PM
posted by QuakerOats





gut Senior Member
18,369 posts 117 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Jun 6, 2019 2:32 PM

" John Hugo is the president of a group calling itself Super Happy Fun America ...."


Well, this seems appropriate:


Spock Senior Member
5,271 posts 9 reps Joined Jul 2013
Sun, Jun 9, 2019 1:38 PM


I am glad I read this and know that I am not racist, brain doesnt work that way to even think this shit up

iclfan2 Reppin' the 330/216/843
9,465 posts 100 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jun 9, 2019 7:51 PM
posted by Spock


I am glad I read this and know that I am not racist, brain doesnt work that way to even think this shit up

Stopped reading after Stacy Abrams. Retards.

Still laughing at all the “what if’s” trump doesn’t win and never concedes the election while the left ignores that idiot. 

gut Senior Member
18,369 posts 117 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Jun 9, 2019 8:03 PM
posted by iclfan2

Still laughing at all the “what if’s” trump doesn’t win and never concedes the election while the left ignores that idiot. 

That's essentially the leftwing version of the "birther" argument.  It's absolutely ridiculous with no basis in reality.  But unlike the "birther" argument, this is fairly mainstream and common.  Bill Maher keeps saying "OMG OMG OMG Trump is never leaving office, not even after 8 years".

Although I think I may have seen where Limbaugh or someone like that talked about if Dems had taken the House and Senate in 2014, they were going to re-write the rules so Obama could run for a 3rd term.  LOL, Obama wanted out of that job so bad, and I'm sure in no small part because he wanted to go cash-in.

QuakerOats Senior Member
11,701 posts 67 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jun 10, 2019 11:33 AM



Happy to see the cultural Marxist bastion that is Oberlin College take a beat down and will have to pay $11 millions to Gibson’s Bakery and owners for their misguided SJW antics.  Punitive damages on top of this coming also.  Could not happen to a nicer bunch of jackasses.

QuakerOats Senior Member
11,701 posts 67 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jun 10, 2019 3:36 PM
posted by QuakerOats



Happy to see the cultural Marxist bastion that is Oberlin College take a beat down and will have to pay $11 millions to Gibson’s Bakery and owners for their misguided SJW antics.  Punitive damages on top of this coming also.  Could not happen to a nicer bunch of jackasses.


Three black students shoplift from the store, admit guilt, and then the school and students launch destructive boycotts and protests against the store they robbed.  And a college of higher education promotes their lunacy and marches with them.


Is this the fucking twilight zone?

O-Trap Chief Shenanigans Officer
18,909 posts 140 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jun 10, 2019 3:49 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Three black students shoplift from the store, admit guilt, and then the school and students launch destructive boycotts and protests against the store they robbed.  And a college of higher education promotes their lunacy and marches with them.


Is this the fucking twilight zone?

The school's students (and apparently at least one faculty member) are bordering on insane.

Having said that, so is a suit for $11 million for libel and slander against a mom-and-pop bakery in Oberlin, OH.

This whole story just reeks of stupid.

BRF Senior Member
11,621 posts 112 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jun 10, 2019 10:02 PM

Back in my day (in the late 60's and early 70's), Oberlin was a bastion of liberalness. 

Anti-everything of the day.  Always a chip on the shoulder.  Nice to see that they are keeping up the tradition. 

/Tommie Smith fist pump

Spock Senior Member
5,271 posts 9 reps Joined Jul 2013
Tue, Jun 11, 2019 7:36 PM


Wait?  WUT?  Seattle Yoga instructor just wreaks of whiteness.

This stuff makes my head hurt

“White-bodied people need to understand that just because you aren’t a former KKK member doesn’t mean you aren’t upholding white supremacy when you aren’t learning to do it,” says williams, a Zen priest and founder of Center for Transformative Change in Berkeley, California, who frequently writes on racial justice.”

gut Senior Member
18,369 posts 117 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Jun 11, 2019 8:07 PM

So Democrats reached deep into their ass yesterday to stage some political theater where John Dean (Nixon lawyer who served jail time for obstruction) gave his "expert" opinion on the Mueller Report......and no one watched it because of that helicopter crash.


Spock Senior Member
5,271 posts 9 reps Joined Jul 2013
Tue, Jun 11, 2019 8:12 PM
posted by gut

So Democrats reached deep into their ass yesterday to stage some political theater where John Dean (Nixon lawyer who served jail time for obstruction) gave his "expert" opinion on the Mueller Report......and no one watched it because of that helicopter crash.


Dems got lucky that the helicopter crashed

O-Trap Chief Shenanigans Officer
18,909 posts 140 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Jun 11, 2019 11:28 PM
posted by Spock


Wait?  WUT?  Seattle Yoga instructor just wreaks of whiteness.

This stuff makes my head hurt

Of course this backward-ass potato lives in Berkeley.

posted by gut

So Democrats reached deep into their ass yesterday to stage some political theater where John Dean (Nixon lawyer who served jail time for obstruction) gave his "expert" opinion on the Mueller Report......and no one watched it because of that helicopter crash.


Maybe someone should give R Kelly a microphone to sound off on Kellen Winslow verdict.


CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 55 reps Joined Nov 2009
Wed, Jun 12, 2019 6:08 AM
posted by gut

So Democrats reached deep into their ass yesterday to stage some political theater where John Dean (Nixon lawyer who served jail time for obstruction) gave his "expert" opinion on the Mueller Report......and no one watched it because of that helicopter crash.


I did see a clip on Twitter of Jim Jordan savaging him. It was hard to watch but he basically framed out that since Dean's conviction he's made a pretty good living claiming president's were "worse than watergate".

Nadler is the one who brought him in as some sort of witness and I can't even imagine why he thought that was a good idea.


like_that 1st Team All-PWN
29,228 posts 321 reps Joined Apr 2010
Wed, Jun 12, 2019 9:44 AM
posted by gut

So Democrats reached deep into their ass yesterday to stage some political theater where John Dean (Nixon lawyer who served jail time for obstruction) gave his "expert" opinion on the Mueller Report......and no one watched it because of that helicopter crash.


I am still waiting to see a legitimate reason to bring John Dean in, when they could easily make Mueller testify.    I would love for Mueller to be asked why he cut off the voicemail from Flynn's attorney in his report and why he left out the fact that the key person "with russian ties" also happened to be a key state department intel source for years.   Seems like some important information to be leaving out, but what do I know. 



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