So this was a thing in the NYTimes before they removed it. There is now an uproar from both the right and the left about it. It raises a few points:
Firstly, I thought Trump was bigoted in every way including anti-Semitism. If that is what was the general notion, then how could this idea come about? He either is or he isn't. Or are we picking and choosing what he's guilty of now based on whatever Ilhan Omar headlines say? Is this the result of TDS? Did Trump change his mind what he is bigoted of? Is this a way of jabbing Israel? Nothing about this is coherent to me, but I suspect that it's a tangle of all the above.
Every group of people (trendy term is collective) which also includes religion gets a black eye from time to time. So is the answer to pick and choose winners? Should we be outraged at all bigotry or just bigotry that is the flavor of the week? Does this include the right of free expression and if so, free expression for who?
"Religion" can be a touchy subject for anybody. I would like somebody to explain to me how it is ok and even funny to portray a naked Jesus in a bathtub with children or sleeping with somebody's wife but it is not ok to publish a cartoon critical of Mohammed or a Jewish person? Which item is protected and which is not and why? As a Christian I laughed at the Last Supper meme that came out years ago. I'm sure many, many people got offended at that, but many also found it funny. Who gets to decide what is mean, funny or critical? Does everything have to be offensive? Didn't we learn anything from Charlie Hebdo? Because it's almost like lessons were never learned.