posted by gut
I predict a large swing the opposite direction over the next 15-20 years when all these people growing up indoctrinated with this BS gain enough knowledge and experience to realize the world is not as they were taught to perceive it.
I was driving in the car about a month ago with my wife’s sister in the car (just her and me). Her sister went to a liberal arts high school and is a junior at a liberal arts university. She is a feminist and an extreme progressive.
We had a radio morning station on. While we were listening to it, I noticed she kept pointing out when something the radio hosts said was sexist or mysogenistic or whatever. I’m talking she probably made 10 comments. I mean, the male host would say to the female host “I remember when you came to this station years ago and you started as the traffic person and here you are the co-host” as they were talking to call-ins about rising up through one company. And she goes “oh because HOW CRAZY a woman actually rises up in a company, you asshole!”
At one point I just looked at her and go “why are you so negative?” And she was like “what?” And I go “you’re not even listening to these guys talk, you’re just hearing what you want to hear and that’s calling out sexism and racism or any other ism out there...”
And she basically said “yeah I guess so, that’s just how I’ve been taught to hear things now I guess”
My response was “that sounds terrible” lol