posted by geeblock
I’m not necessarily stumping to get rid of it.. many years it doesn’t even come into play. In the grand scheme of things I don’t think it matters who wins at this point. Whoever gets elected just undoes what the other party just passed. They then spend the next few years arguing and then we start over again. This is what I mean when I say it doesn’t really matter which way we do it. Of course it would have changed a few winners here and there but in the grand scheme of things I don’t think it changes that much. But I’m also ok with a popular vote. I’m fine with one person and one vote.
Yeah, I get that you didn't necessarily come out and petition for the removal of it. I just figured I'd contribute to teasing out the problem it solves ... a problem that would exist with a popular vote model.
I'm ultimately not "okay" with either one in the sense that I acknowledge both have problems. However, whatever problems arise from the Electoral College are, I would argue, both less impactful and less frequent. Under a one-voter-one-vote model, anyone who wishes for their vote to actually matter is fucked unless they live in California, Texas, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Georgia, or Florida.
18% of the states carry about 50% of the voter-age public. So guess whose problems will be addressed on the campaign trail. Not Montana's. Not Nevada's. Not Washington's. Not Utah's, or North Carolina's. Those states can, in so many words, go fuck themselves when it comes to a popular vote model. They're just not relevant enough for the candidates to neglect the more densely populated states to campaign there.
Now, of course, you want votes from the 82% of the states that make up the other half of the voting public, but you're not going to fight for them at the risk of losing ground in a key state (or region even, since states don't actually matter in a popular vote model). Gaining ground in BFE, North Dakota isn't going to be worth potentially losing ground in Atlanta, Austin, or Chicago.
And that will essentially be the case every election, without exception.
But then, I'd prefer an almost completely absentee, night watchman government, anyway, and I loathe both the Democratic Party and the GOP as a result, so maybe my view is tainted on the whole thing.