posted by CenterBHSFan
My question is: Why would anybody let Trump be the gatekeeper over how they react to the point where you are willing to cut ties with family?
Both sides are like this, and they all fit broadly into the "regressive" category, though have extreme hatred for the other. The racists and bigots usually get labeled conservative and lumped on the far right. I hate manufactured terms as if these groups, like "alt-right" suddenly sprang-up, but there's also definitely an "alt-left", and they're more obnoxious and open because no one holds them accountable.
That right-wing tends to get marginalized by everyone, including Republicans. The difference is, on the left, the hatred/bigotry is enabled with a sort of quid-pro-quo or they "deserve it". It's OK for antifa to go throw rocks at alt-right demonstration, because those guys are vile white men.
It doesn't help that the left routinely contorts every disagreement/counter argument to say it's covert racism. You're actually fostering hatred, simply because you don't want to have the debate....or you can't win the debate so you nullify the contest.
2020 will be interesting. The old guard in the Dems clearly is not thrilled with the likes of AOC and other radicals/socialists. Pelosi may be awful, but she's a very effective politician - I don't think the Dems are going to allow their party to fracture, or get pulled off the deep end by these nutjobs. But they probably need another ass-kicking before they'll abandon identity politics.