posted by like_that
Was this the thread where Boogie was denying there is media bias, because conservatives can go to their extremely bias sources (brietbart, blaze, etc) to get their news? If not, I am posting this here regardless.
I mostly get my political news from realclearpolitics, because they normally give both polarizing sides to any given topic. I highly recommend it for everyone. At the very least you can see how ridiculous our media is, but maybe you can pick up an argument from the other side you never thought of.
I sometimes watch CNN/MSNBC just for shits and giggles to see how full retard they have gone. Here is the latest example of how boogie is living in his own world if he doesn't think there is a media bias. Forget the anti semite rhetoric coming from democrat politicians, which is terrible, how about Omar Llhan going on CNN and defending conspiracy theories about Lindsey Graham being a homosexual and being blackmailed to be outed? So, now it is cool to out someone as gay as long as it is not a conservative doing it? Omar was even defending her opinion as evidence. The two CNN anchors let her get away with this and threw softball questions. This is the same network half an hour earlier referring to Trump's cancellation of Pelosi's flight as a "BOMBSHELL." If a republican did this and you don't think this wouldn't be plastered all over the news for weeks, you are completely delusional.
It's not about being able to put your head in the sand and only following sources that you agree with. The fact the MSM is just as bad (and a lot of cases worse) as the smaller biased sources is a disgrace and why our country is so divided. Hell, they are the reason why these extremely biased news sources exist to begin with.
It's not that I don't think media sources are biased. As long as they are run by human beings, there will always be bias in what they do. On top of that, you will never be able to get consensus on media bias because everyone sees thing through their own filter. What is obviously biased to one person, is entirely objective and fair to another.
The "mainstream media" is an outdated term because now there are so many places to go find news and opinions. I think this is why CNN, Fox, MSN, etc are now chasing their audience instead of being the arrival point they used to be. In order to make what audience they have left stay loyal, they become very one-sided so that the people who agree with those views feel a lot of loyalty. It may work in some way today, but I think it is a sign of long term desperation.
Part of the schtick these networks play is to become targets for the other side. Political warriors from the left love to bitch about Fox. Political warriors from the right do the same with CNN. Complain as they do, they're still watching. Bad attention is still attention. I think the people in charge count on this.
What I don't understand is the outrage this causes. The myth that there was ever a news media that was free of opinion is incredible. If believe with all my hear that Fox is biased and I disagree with its positions, why do I insist on watching and getting all fired up about it? To keep tabs on what the other side is doing? What good does that do me? Seems like an lot of unnecessary anger and stress.