posted by O-TrapIf he didn't slide over, he was definitely being petty, but you can absolutely calmly call someone a bitch. Not sure that is really a matter of rationality, but I can see practically as many reasons to do it calmly as not to.
Basically, this was a verbal altercation that she tried to rebrand and turn into a political chess piece, and it's backfired horribly, since it's shown her to be lying about the circumstances and about using similar racially tense language as the president directed toward a Latino man.
If her political career comes out of this unscathed, it won't be as impressive as Trump surviving the "grab 'em by the pussy" comment, but it'd probably be the most impressive dodge since then.
Good breakdown. If she comes out of this unscathed, it will just further prove the left is full of shit when they pretend they are the standard for the moral high ground. Northam is another easy example that comes to my mind.