posted by geeblock
When he hijacked the narrative about police brutality and made it about the military and the flag. I’m sure it didn’t bother you because you don’t think police brutality is a thing. When he said “arrest them rough” bang their head on the door of the car. What type of people do u think this happens to? White people? He is a draft dodger who for whatever reason was allowed to become a champion for the military even tho he could have cared less the rest of his life, meanwhile marginalizing the issue of police brutality all at the same time. He created a narrative that these uppity blacks should just be lucky we allow them to play and shut up. Called them spoiled and acted as if they didn’t earn their job/money by working hard but rather they were just lucky. I’m sure your version of this will be well I mean he loves the flag/military etc. I didn’t see it that way and I feel it did damage to the black comm
1. There are some racist police officers (just like any other profession) but statistics do not support the notion that blacks or other people of color are injured/shot/killed at higher rates of police interactions than white people. ( The "police killing black people" narrative is a myth, in a general interaction with police a white man is just as likely or slightly more likely to be shot than a black man. Statistical studies have proven this, but it doesn't get coverage because it doesn't fit the narrative. The statistic that more blacks are killed per 100,000 people (2.1 vs 0.9 for white) is true, and fits the narrative so it gets played. However, once you adjust the numbers for actual arrests/police interactions (because people of color commit more crimes per capita) the numbers get reversed.
2. He didn't "hijack" anything. Football players voiced their 1A right to kneel and he voiced his 1A right that no one should disrespect the flag/anthem/etc.
3. "Rough them up"...yes, as stated above a white male is just as likely to get roughed up as a black male. Sorry, but facts don't care about feelings here. One has to include the fact that people of color get arrested at higher rates into the statistical analysis, not just divide by the total population (this is also why the "gender wage gap" myth is so prevalent, but that is a different topic).
4. I agree with you about the draft dodging.
5. I have never once seen Trump say or insenuate that the "uppity blacks are lucky to be with us...". You do know that Trump has had more minorities, women, people of color, blacks, etc in his appointments than Obama did right? I guess he is just using them as props in your opinion?