If you want to really mess with people, insist that net neutrality causes climate change.
Average U.S. fixed broadband speed according to Ookla:
December 2017: 76.36 Mbps
July 2020: 152.60 Mbps
Average speeds have doubled since the Restoring Internet Freedom Order. https://t.co/jQcjFgiYtS— Evan Swarztrauber (@EvanS_FCC) August 25,
Remember when our internet speed was going to be throttled and we would have to pay per tweet?
People were literally going to die.
I don't know if I've heard Biden say anything about NN, but I thought at least a few candidates brought it up in the debates. Same tired arguments that anyone paying attention should just laugh at by now.
Haven't seen any NN fearmongering on the tech sites in quite some time.
I get 10MBPS in the country.
All I know is our country’s internet is shit for how expensive it is. These companies can GFT.
We pay $60ish for 500MB, I think, from Cincinnati Bell
500MB per second, and this site is still minor leage?
posted by ernest_t_bass500MB per second, and this site is still minor leage?
Seems like speeds are just marketing now. A family of 5 all streaming netflix simultaneously need only like 75mbps for the highest quality streams.
It's been about 6 months since the last check-in. Everyone still alive?
posted by justincredibleIt's been about 6 months since the last check-in. Everyone still alive?
Fortunately, Biden just requested the FCC restore Obama's NN rules.
Saved at last!!! Biden has slayed Covid AND the Internet. What a boss!
posted by gutFortunately, Biden just requested the FCC restore Obama's NN rules.
Saved at last!!! Biden has slayed Covid AND the Internet. What a boss!
HOW DID WE EVEN SURVIVE THE LAST 4 YEARS? It's a miracle we're all still here.
Well, shit, they finally did it. They finally broke the internet (at least partially)...
Can't wait to see how this impacts my already normally 2-hr delayed flight home each week.
I died.
posted by justincredibleI died.
Ohiochatter lives! Just graduated from JV website to mid-major!
posted by gutOhiochatter lives! Just graduated from JV website to mid-major!
OC = Weber St