posted by QuakerOats
During the obama years I would get phone calls weekly from financiers wanting to lend money for capex projects. For 8 years my response was we are not spending a dime until the radicals in the White House are gone; the reply back every time was “you wouldn’t believe how many people say the exact same thing”.
So yes, some projects were planned, but most were put on hold until Trump won the election. Few would risk investment while capital was being assaulted on all fronts.
Your generalities and personal opinions are convincing as always. If QO says it's so, by God it must be.
I don't know about all your sophisticated financial dealings. But two of the larger projects you've touted as Trump accomplishments - Cleveland-Cliffs' DRI plant in Toledo and the large Pennsylvania coal mine were originated, planned and started prior to Trump's election.
I think all of Biden's problems were brought on himself, so I am not feeling sympathy for him at all. He obviously used his position to benefit his kid. Ugly as that is, it's no different than dems and republicans have been doing all along. I consider it a "swamp" thing. Problem with you getting all fired up about is that Trump's no different. His daughter, son and son-in-law have all been given positions and advantages.
On top of this, you acting like Trump was pressing the Ukrainians out of some ethical responsibility to "The People" is laughable. He saw a chance to take Biden down and he went for it. I can only imagine your rantings had Obama pulled a similar move. Just acknowledge that you are a mindless partisan and people won't object to you so often.