posted by O-TrapI really don't think it's that fine a line. I have nothing against a person for being Korean, even if I vehemently oppose the US having a close relationship to it and might suspect its government of dirty dealings.
The Semitic people predate Israel by millennia. I really don't have a hard time seeing how one can oppose Israel in a general sense without opposing Jewish people at all.
Anti-semite is to conservatives what racism (or similar terms) is to liberals -- a word thrown out at the first sign of criticism of Israel (for cons) or minorities (libs) because it's easier to use a negative-connotation word to immediately paint one as a bad person than it is to actually debate the points they were trying to make. Bonus points for how members of both sides feel 100% justified in their use of those words, while at the same time blasting the other side for it.