posted by gut I don't think I can be convinced gender dysphoria isn't a mental health issue. I believe it used to be, and then classifications or statuses changed.
And various drugs (not the transitioning ones) may not be the best way to treat it, but transitioning is pretty drastic. The article seems to suggest that, at least in some cases, it IS a mental health issue and transitioning is not appropriate treatment.
It has medically been determined it is a mental disorder. Funny how science and doctors are completely disregarded when it doesn't fit there agenda. There is nothing normal about it. This is why their small community has a very high suicide rate. This is also why confusing your children who don't know any better is child abuse. Every time I see some 4-8 year old being celebrated for being "transgender," I cringe, because most likely that kid will grow up with many issues and based on empirical data has a very good chance of killing him/herself.
I laugh at the people who glorify this shit and deny it is a mental disorder. These are the same people who cry about comedians like Dave Chapelle "literally leading them to suicide," because he has a few jokes about them.