2024 Presidential Election Thread

Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 167 reps Joined Nov 2009
CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Wed, Sep 18, 2024 11:19 PM
posted by Ironman92


Isn't that the vid Gavin Newsome filled his pants over?

geeblock Member
1,123 posts 0 reps Joined May 2018
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 5:30 AM
posted by jmog

The senate versions were blocked by each side. Did you even read the article I posted above that detailed that?

When are you calling out the senate dems for squashing the Rs IVF bill?

Your very first comment said the R’s blocked the dems IVF vote because it already passed in the house. 

QuakerOats Senior Member
11,701 posts 66 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 9:20 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Ok, this is an example of a racist trope. What in the actual fuck? You are assuming that people in Haiti just eat pets and project that they are doing that here. 

Have Haitians been interviewed and denied it? Yes! Read any article from the local news source.

Hell, even the mayor and city officials are saying all of the national attention is bad. Bomb threats are daily and the college has had to shut down. 

Your post is dripping with racism in that you assume people from a place like Haiti would eat animals while us here in the civilized world, would not.

Maybe it is because I am watching a ton of Bearnie Monroe that are factually wrong and full of pictures of MS13 and gang members. Immigrants here in Ohio are not pouring in leading to rising crimes. 

It is annoying as hell because there is a real actual immigration issue in that the system is broken. Yet, posts like yours that drip in racists tropes are not helping one bit.

I didn't assume a damn thing.  But on cue, another liberal whips out the race card.  Congrats. 

geeblock Member
1,123 posts 0 reps Joined May 2018
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 9:25 AM
posted by QuakerOats

I didn't assume a damn thing.  But on cue, another liberal whips out the race card.  Congrats. 

I mean continuing to say a group of people eat pets with zero evidence and in fact ignoring evidence they don’t eat pets is kinda racist. 

8,788 posts 20 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 9:40 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I'm not going to disagree. 

But we should make up our minds just how important a VP is and how big we determine their role. Because you til now, I and others have been told that VPs aren't accountable for what a presidents administration does or does not do. 

I will make the first step and I will say that they definitely hold a good amount of sway. Not decisively making decisions overall, but definitely has some persuasive power. I guess it could be likened to "fair to middling".

As an aside, I'd bet most VP's spend a lot of time planning out what they would do differently  if something happened to their boss. That's kind of the whole point of being a VP. In the old European saying about royalty, titled peerage or large landowners "an heir and a spare", that's the plan - backup.

Then, if we can agree to that much, we can go in to argue or hash out the finer particulars. 

Yeah, the VP normally doesn't do much and has been called the most worthless job in the country. It usually depends on how the President involves the VP. Most do not. Trump didn't involve Pence in many of his decisions, and sounds like Biden doesn't include Harris either. But, it takes one small health issue and suddenly Vance is President. 

There is a reason why Veep was called the most accurate DC show lol. 

The one exception is Cheney with W. 

I'd also add it makes Vance look bad as a Senator too. He is the sitting Senator for the state. It is nothing to pick up the phone and call Springfield. 

I miss Rob Portman lol. 

8,788 posts 20 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 9:43 AM
posted by QuakerOats

I didn't assume a damn thing.  But on cue, another liberal whips out the race card.  Congrats. 

Yeah, you did. The fact you see nothing wrong is in itself a problem. 

Reread your Point B, especially the middle sentences. Those are the ones filled with the racist tropes. 

Your post is also easily refuted by local news sources.

QuakerOats Senior Member
11,701 posts 66 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 11:24 AM
posted by geeblock

I mean continuing to say a group of people eat pets with zero evidence and in fact ignoring evidence they don’t eat pets is kinda racist. 

I never said anyone ate any pets.  Reading comprehension is a thing.

QuakerOats Senior Member
11,701 posts 66 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 11:28 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, you did. The fact you see nothing wrong is in itself a problem. 

Reread your Point B, especially the middle sentences. Those are the ones filled with the racist tropes. 

Your post is also easily refuted by local news sources.

I asked if any journalist actually asked any of the Haitians a simple question.  There is literally nothing racist about that. 

I also pointed out that that really doesn't matter; what matters is the strain on resources and taxpayers, which city officials fully acknowledge. 

But keep digging for racism if you must. 

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 11:41 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

There is a reason why Veep was called the most accurate DC show lol. 

The one exception is Cheney with W. 

I never ever watched that show. My time for tv was mainly for football and AHS. I dropped the satellite service because it was stupid to pay $200/month for something I only used around 3 months a year.

Also, I had thought that we'd never hear from Dick Cheney again and then he rises from his crypt to endorse Kamala. I tell you, she should have been screaming from the rooftops "Leave me alone foul beast, the power of Christ compels you!". But... she didn't. That woman was excessively thankful. 

I actually thought that the paradigm shift between the right and left would take years or decades to complete once it became obvious what was happening. But, I couldn't be more wrong. Once that ball started rolling it took off like a shot! 

8,788 posts 20 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 12:26 PM
posted by QuakerOats Just because it is unacceptable in America doesn't mean it is unacceptable in Haiti.  

It's this sentence Quaker...

8,788 posts 20 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 12:36 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I never ever watched that show. My time for tv was mainly for football and AHS. I dropped the satellite service because it was stupid to pay $200/month for something I only used around 3 months a year.

Also, I had thought that we'd never hear from Dick Cheney again and then he rises from his crypt to endorse Kamala. I tell you, she should have been screaming from the rooftops "Leave me alone foul beast, the power of Christ compels you!". But... she didn't. That woman was excessively thankful. 

I actually thought that the paradigm shift between the right and left would take years or decades to complete once it became obvious what was happening. But, I couldn't be more wrong. Once that ball started rolling it took off like a shot! 

VEEP was on HBO and is funny as hell. People in DC thought it was the accurate DC show because of how goofy and dumb the people in power are. 

geeblock Member
1,123 posts 0 reps Joined May 2018
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 12:41 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

It's this sentence Quaker...


CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 12:58 PM

Well, nobody should be too shocked about eating domesticated animals when one of the Haitian warlords eats humans lol 

(it's a joke, so don't get too wound up and pretend that your skin is melting off while being a trope yourself)

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 1:03 PM

The alleged affidavit. 

Is it a hoax? Will we ever know? Questions being sent to a presidential candidate has happened before with Donna Brazil and Hillary Clinton, so I don't think the idea of it is far fetched. 


Heretic Son of the Sun
20,517 posts 203 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 2:04 PM

posted by CenterBHSFan

I never ever watched that show. My time for tv was mainly for football and AHS. I dropped the satellite service because it was stupid to pay $200/month for something I only used around 3 months a year.

Also, I had thought that we'd never hear from Dick Cheney again and then he rises from his crypt to endorse Kamala. I tell you, she should have been screaming from the rooftops "Leave me alone foul beast, the power of Christ compels you!". But... she didn't. That woman was excessively thankful. 

I actually thought that the paradigm shift between the right and left would take years or decades to complete once it became obvious what was happening. But, I couldn't be more wrong. Once that ball started rolling it took off like a shot! 

When I think about it, the whole paradigm shift probably can be partially (or mostly) attributed to one or two things on each side.

The Ds: the combination of focusing more on identity politics than the working class AND how the party sets things up so they get their preferred candidate on the ticket.

The Rs: how Trump essentially took over the party.

Makes it a "grass greener on other side of the fence" for a lot of the more moderate (ie: sane) types in either party. Who knows? Maybe one day, all those people will realize the grass sucks on both sides of the fence and band together to create a better party that can run shit while the progs and MAGAs can slap fight each other into the irrelevancy both deserve. Probably not, but one can dream!

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 2:26 PM
posted by Heretic

When I think about it, the whole paradigm shift probably can be partially (or mostly) attributed to one or two things on each side.

The Ds: the combination of focusing more on identity politics than the working class AND how the party sets things up so they get their preferred candidate on the ticket.

The Rs: how Trump essentially took over the party.

Makes it a "grass greener on other side of the fence" for a lot of the more moderate (ie: sane) types in either party. Who knows? Maybe one day, all those people will realize the grass sucks on both sides of the fence and band together to create a better party that can run shit while the progs and MAGAs can slap fight each other into the irrelevancy both deserve. Probably not, but one can dream!

I think you're moderately right in your points. There is a lot of truth in them. Where I differ is not the points but I'd add to them.

Dems: I definitely think that "muh orange man bad!" played a huge role in it. People just let that mantra infect their minds wayyyyyy more than they should have and they just lost it.  Also, in the economic sense, that shift has been playing out for decades, since around '98. During all the time since then, the Dems have been moving away from populism and moving towards constant war and statism, with an obese measure of authoritarianism. 

Republicans: I sometimes wonder if Trump just wasn't the face of a populist movement that's been building. The Tea Party was, at its core, populism. Trump came with that economic message at a time when Hillary was running and people just instinctually shrunk back from everything that she represented. As I've said before, populism was the right move, but I'm not sure that Trump was the right or better person to do it.

Green grass: I think the grass is greener on both sides because they share the same cesspit.

Relevancy: I agree. They both need a belt taken to their asses and stood in the corner indefinitely.

Bonus: When Tulsi Gabbard first came onto the scene I thought she was a kook. But over time I've listened to her in long form, read up on her record and since been totally swayed by her. I really hope she runs in 2028 because I'd vote for her in a minute.

CenterBHSFan 333 - I'm only half evil
7,259 posts 53 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 3:54 PM

This is one of her older stances as DA in California, but do you think any part of Kamala still wants this?

jmog Senior Member
7,737 posts 51 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Sep 19, 2024 4:33 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

It's this sentence Quaker...

I hate to defend QO, because normally he is completely off the rails.

But MANY other countries consider cats and dogs as food. Maybe QO is just ignorant of which countries do and do not.



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